Putin = Hero

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  • 210 Responses
  • utopian3

    • hahaha! Years ago when this OG pic was in the Pic of the Day thread I left my window open and my wife was like WTF are u looking at?!!!fooler
    • Did you at least finish?scarabin
    • No, I'm more of a furry than a bronie.fooler
    • and I can't believe I know what either of those are!fooler
    • Good times!palimpsest
    • lol commentsNairn
    • I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me.Akagiyama
  • Nairn4
  • shapesalad3

    • only 99.916.546.543.215 rublessted
    • some assembly requiredutopian
  • shapesalad1



    My Dad (RIP) had it, very similar looking stance, leg and arm movements...

    • Also Parkinson's affects brain, makes you want to take big risks - gambling etc...shapesalad
    • also takes decades to kill youfadein11
    • 'decade' not so much decades.shapesalad
    • yep, should've said often takes.fadein11
    • Parkinson's can cause a condition called Parkinson's disease dementia. This condition is marked by a decline in thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving...ETM
  • rzu-rzu0

    • guess that kid is now on the front line or deadIanbolton
    • here, my arm, do your stupid photo opBennn
    • kids dead nowGuyFawkes
  • _niko0


  • sted6

    • John Oh DeereChimp
    • Is that new Mac Studio and Studio Display?utopian
  • Gardener0

  • sted0

    • he's shortpinkfloyd
    • where's his Napolean hathotroddy
    • Ironic to hangout with stewardesses when there’s nowhere to fly anymore.NBQ00
    • is that AOC on the right?sarahfailin
  • sted0

    Yelena Osipova, a 82-year-old survivor of the siege of Leningrad as a small child, a well-known activist and baker, who took part in a peaceful anti-war demonstration in St. Petersburg was produced by the police. The banner says, "Son, don't go to war!" "Soldier, drop your weapon and you'll be a real hero! Don't shoot!" Saying anything about it, it is terribly inspiring to see these brave people, ordinary citizens, standing up to violent power.

    • the siege on Leningrad was some crazy shit. There's a chapter on Netflix for WW2 in colorhotroddy
    • nevermind, I was thinking siege on Stalingradhotroddy
    • Her art is fantasticscarabin
  • Gardener3

    Putin on ice

    • Everyone but him saw it coming.Longcopylover
    • It's even funnier with context. He came into the game and scored 8 goals. They defended him like he was a Make A Wish kid with the power to kill them.garbage
    • And then the greatest Russian hockey player of all time skates into a carpet.garbage
    • at first i thought the dude hooked him w/ the sticksarahfailin
    • there is some lovely irony in that he gets stopped by a CARPET.sted
  • neverscared0

    austrias right wing conservatives foreign minister 3 years ago... dancing with the vlad at her wedding...

  • Milan-5

    I know you guys already got this on repeat today, but I'll share it anyway

    • It's a funny song, but to literally support Putin and believe Russian propaganda is also kind of a joke no?yuekit
    • We should all believe American propaganda and support U.S. hegemony, right?

      I'd rather live in a multipolar world, thanks.
    • Does Russia illegally seizing land from a smaller country help create a more multipolar world?yuekit
    • And wait I thought it was all made up by the USA, what happened? :)yuekit
    • lol, what seizure are you talking about? two republics finally got their freedom and independence today. it's time to celebrate and dance to this song again!Milan
    • So you just switch from believing one propaganda to another one as soon as it's rolled out? Quite funnyyuekit
    • lol the song is gone nowyuekit
  • shapesalad5

  • Gardener1

    he has been known to cheat at Subbuteo

  • Krassy7

  • Salarrue5

    Fucking coward hiding in a bunker.

    • I wonder what CIA/MI5 etc know in terms of his exact location.shapesalad
    • Bunker in the urals
      Already reports coming out about what is going on there so...they know :)
    • Bunker Boy Part Deuxutopian
  • Milan-4

    The West is arming and training these guys:

    Remember how that worked out the last time:

    • Ugh - There isnt even an election for 2 more years and we are already back on the game. COVID isn't done either.toemaas
    • < You are a fucking idiot.Morning_star
    • This would be more convincing if Russia didn't support neo fascists and far-right movements across the world.yuekit
    • So ? those are the good guys who stand for liberty and democracy ?gonzalle
    • Milan really loves fucking Putin and dictators. As if there’s no Neo Nazi’s everywhere, even USA and yes Russia too.NBQ00
    • NBQ00, I thought the invasion was scheduled for today? Go watch some more Russophobic propaganda videos you racist twat.Milan
    • like my pappy use to say.. best part of you ran down your mothers leg...hydro74
    • this is what we're talking about:
    • i'm sure Milan was there and interviewed the rest of these guys, knows every aspect of why and how they were integrated into the ua militia.sted
    • and from where and how they get support.
      but one thing: why are you care now since this is information from 2014?
    • this isn't ukraine.sted
    • This is the same shit they try in Hong Kong, they find a handful of protesters doing something bad and try to paint the entire movement that way.yuekit
    • No need for any facts and data, just a single iPhone clip or photo is enough to convince some people apparently.yuekit
    • how many soldiers in the West do you think owns swastika flag?pango
    • just faulty inappropriate generalization, with proof by example.sted
    • never forget the 17 year old purple haired feminist college student who said something ludicrous on twitter lolfadein11
    • convince me i have to be a fan of either side. were was the international diplomacy to reopen the water supply to crimea? army training kids to use AKs in Kiev?kingsteven
    • absolutely fucked on both sides.

      Although I do fucking love Mario Galaxy
    • as any country on earth...Salarrue
    • Armed neo-Nazi militias proliferate throughout western Ukraine. Their presence has been widely reported in the mainstream media.Khurram
    • @morningatar. Why do you cal me an idiot for calling out constant political motivations (from either side) you sound like a nazi, hahatoemaas
    • I don't know why some of you are in denial about the obvious complexity and volatility of this situation.Khurram
    • Nothing like this has ever been dredged up in Hong Kong. It is absolutely not comparable.Khurram
    • These neo-Nazis have been fomenting a near civil war since the 2014 coup which overthrew the democratically elected pro-Russian President.Khurram
    • They have targeted and continue to targeted Russian speaking populations in the East for the last 8 years and have not been disarmed.Khurram
    • Oh I know why. You're swallowing wholesale the narrative your leaders are selling you.Khurram
    • @Khurram these groups are present all across Europe. In the past decade they received much more attention as before because theirsted
    • their ways of organization and the sources of their financial support is highly questionable.sted
    • but just the opposite of the view this post tries to set up, these groups are mostly supported by rassans, and when they turn they get cut from the motherland.sted
    • Unfortunately some of them remains holding Nazi views.sted
    • https://hungarytoday…
      check this. his role: financing of a far-right party in hungary
    • "which overthrew the democratically elected pro-Russian President" haha you gotta be trolling at this point Khurramyuekit
    • That democratically elected president was corrupt as hell, stealing from the country. Lived in a giant mansion with a zoo like some drug kingpin.yuekit
    • His chief advisor BTW was Paul Manafort, who went on to run Donald Trump's presidential campaign.yuekit
    • Sure Yuekit. Thanks for elucidating the circumstances of the coup.Khurram
    • @sted - why do you keep saying "rassans"?Khurram
    • It's like the Iraq war never happened for some of you lot. And some of you lot talking big about how "i opposed the Iraq war man". None of you opposed it.Khurram
    • I was around here in those days. You all got swept along with the grand narratives of American-righteousne...Khurram
    • Wasn't until that invasion began unravelling into a fetid mess did you start speaking up.Khurram
    • If the public rises up and kicks out a corrupt leader, is that a bad thing somehow in your book?yuekit
    • The only Iraq War post I remember on here is JazX predicting it would be over in a week lol.yuekit
    • That depends on a lot of circumstances Yuekit. 17.3% of them are ethnic Russians, for example. Enough for a civil war. Complex volatile situation.Khurram
    • But why would ethnic Russians or Rassians if you will have a problem with a less corrupt government?yuekit
    • https://declassified…Milan
    • And again, the #1 supporter of far right political movements in Europe and elsewhere is Putin. So how is it a justification for Russia to attack Ukraine?yuekit
    • ahhaa see @Milan that is how bullshit gets mixed with facts. those people aren't Азов. they are https://en.wikipedia…sted
    • Putin supported Le Pen in France, Salvini in Italy, Kurz in Austria, Trump in USA, helped make Brexit happen...the list goes on and on.yuekit
    • You'd have to be incredibly naive to think he cares about some right-wingers in Ukraine. That is not the real motive.yuekit
    • @yuekit still looking into it meanwhile enjoy x nation getting painted as the source of all evil on this planet by some false information between old/new facts.sted
    • Can you not read? On 12 November 2014, Azov was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine.Milan
    • Milan why does a country having some people with extremist views justify an invasion?yuekit
    • Meanwhile you're defending a country that has tried its best to install far right leaders across the world. Does the cognitive dissonance not even register?yuekit
    • Russia does not want to invade Ukraine. That's fake news sold to you for years now and you keep falling for it every time.Milan
    • Do you understand we're running circles on 10%-20% of Azov. Do you understand how these groups were created and for what reason? And do you understand whysted
    • Russia also doesn't want Ukraine in NATO because that would spark WW3.Milan
    • and how its part of the National Guard of Ukraine today?sted
    • Ah cock, its been told for gazillion times and proven so many ways that they want Ukraine. Nobody wants to call it invasion.sted
    • What's your point? The U.S. supports dictators all over the world, overthrows governments, finances coups, openly interferes in elections...Milan
    • This gives base for disinformation on so many levels.sted
    • Did you forget the minor detail that Russia has already invaded Ukraine and annexed parts of its territory?yuekit
    • And here we go, "if they do why we aren't allowed to do"sted
    • Whatabout the roman empire?sted
    • Fucking live now and in the future but never in the past pls.sted
    • And what's your point about Ukraine then? We can all play the whataboutism game as long as it takes lol.yuekit
    • idk why but this keeps coming back:
    • I don't think it's up for debate that Putin has contributed far more to the empowerment of neo Nazis across the world than Zelensky the comedian has.yuekit
    • Crimea was part of Russia until 1954. They just took it back to prevent ethnic cleansing since its population is mostly Russian.Milan
    • Fascinating. I didn't know controlling a territory in the past gives you an blank check to invade anytime you want.yuekit
    • "just took it back": https://www.qbn.com/…sted
    • Azov shot that plane down.Milan
    • and i'm pretty sure we have a post about Malaysia Airlines flight MH17sted
    • that's the ultimate "just took it back".sted
    • no @Milan that plane was shot down by Iran, "just happens" to be Ukrainiansted
    • the Halal trade corp.sted
    • @sted Interesting link with the proof by example thing. Seems like so much authoritarian propaganda is like an incomplete idea or half-formed thought.yuekit
    • yeah like Islam is a violent religion, just look at what the terrorists did with the World Trade Center, i think we all remember this.sted
    • omg so many emotions just flying around. Can't you see Ukraine is tearing us apart??Khurram
    • Surprised at you Yuekit, normally so level-headed :-/Khurram
    • You know honestly I don't have such strong views on Ukraine and Russia in particular. But the broader trend of people defending terrible leaders with half-bakedyuekit
    • arguments or just outright cynicism, whether it's Trump, Putin or Xi Jinping...I do think it's a bad trend in the world yes.yuekit
    • Maybe you need to know someone or have family who is actually threatened by this to really get it, until then it's just a joke or a meme for a lot of peopleyuekit
    • @toemass Your interest in this conflict must be surface level, at best. If you had any intention of portraying it's complexity you'd know what you posted is...Morning_star
    • ...ignorant and stupid. Treat yourself. https://youtu.be/gSp…Morning_star
    • very fine people on both sides...(donald dumbo trump )neverscared
    • Not really. I have a Ukranian Mother-in-law and a Russian Father-in-law - I hear all about it at dinners and both agree it's just politcal meddling and testingtoemaas
    • Bullshit from both sides if you will (meaning East and WEst)toemaas
    • Father in Law grew up in Crimea and his dad still lives there - they said no one there is Ukranian or even speaks it - they dont know why it became Ukraine intoemaas
    • the first place - but the neo nazi stuff is reaching - as stated above - you take 5 pictures of a handful of idiots - does that rep the whole country?toemaas
    • My Ukranian mother in law sure as shit isn't a nazi nor is any family or anyone she knows. This shit is just trigger foddefor trigger happy folks like yourself.toemaas
    • Milan and hayoth. The only 2 pro Putin. The usual village idiot.pango
  • Krassy0

    Do you think Putin is good at playing chess?

    • no.sted
    • Everyone could see what he was doing (except for some extremely gullible/ brain washed people)yuekit
    • wasn't asking if he plays Poker and buffs or not :)Krassy
    • Hard to say, I’m sure he plays chess like he plays hockey, grandmaster level, hasn’t lost a match in decades ;)_niko
  • yuekit2

    • uh that's good. first 2 mins: internet is the platform for that "religious" campaign.sted
    • The detail he mentioned about Putin calling Europe "Gayropa" is a nice reminder about who we're dealing with here.yuekit
    • Makes me think of this quote by Lukashenko, very sophisticated stuff lol