Da Vinci Code

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  • Jaline0

    Jaline, it is intellectually dishonest to make strong opinions about a subject when the subject has not been studied.
    (May 19 06, 18:22)

    This is not true all of the time. You don't need all of America's history to know what's going on in the country.

  • Crouwel0

    folks - I've read your anti-Biblical speak for a few years now... perhaps the lot of you may want to stop for a moment...

    have you read the koran or torah? (i don't know the english names for it right now..)

    the only advice i can give is:
    don't read it, or don't take it so bloody seriously. it's written centuries ago and should have nothing to do with human progress in present time. in an extremely culturally dynamic and diverse world we should question our morals and redefine our motivations and judgements based on what is good for all people, regardless their belief, sex, race, preference, intelligence etc.

    universal human understanding and governing is what i am about.

    not pointing to a book that was written in a micro-world that has no contextual value in the present day!

  • Jaline0

    Exactly, janne!

  • Crouwel0

    Once you've read it - you'll probably need to read it a couple more times... then perhaps do a little extra historical / archealogical research... then READ IT AGAIN...

    ... then come back and give us a formed opinion.
    (May 19 06, 18:10)

    good to hear you did all this.

    i could not waste so much time on it, i'd rather learn social values and spend time in learning to know people instead of navelgazing on something archaic and extremely dogmatic.

    thank you..

  • Crouwel0

    Jaline, it is intellectually dishonest to make strong opinions about a subject when the subject has not been studied.
    (May 19 06, 18:22)

    This is not true all of the time. You don't need all of America's history to know what's going on in the country.
    (May 19 06, 18:23)

    going back to gay marriage here as an example,

    i am damn well sure that those christians haven't studied homosexuality well enough simply because their stubborn dogma's won't let them go that far.

    but still they forbid them to marry.

    there's plenty of research material on effects of homosexuality that most christians don't want to read or acknowledge because it collides with their belief and thus will not be included in their so called "christian studies".

  • mrdobolina0

    flagellum thinks that homosexuality is a chosen behavior. So his opinion is based in falsehood.

  • PonyBoy0

    Jaline, it is intellectually dishonest to make strong opinions about a subject when the subject has not been studied.

    (May 19 06, 18:22)
    Enter response:

    just to back that up a bit -

    Jaline - An analogy for you:

    I know you've seen flash peices on the web - I know there's even flash embedded in this site... you see it alllll the time...

    ... now... I'm looking at your Porfolio Jaline - I don't see any Flash, so I'm going to assume you don't use Flash.

    But you've seen enough of it - you engage it everyday...

    ... but can you create a useable peice? (other than some cheap timeline crap)

    (if you can...then screw my analogy here - but I hope you get my point about 'knowing about something from what you see' as apposed to 'knowing about something from what you've STUDIED'.

    I will not 'preach' on NT... :)... I will however share my opinion... and it's of my opinion that the lot of you are rather uneducated on the Bible.

    If you want to form an opinion - read it and study it... don't base Christianity and the Bible off of the actions of our Worlds stupid leaders or the pathetic whinings and scribings of those who are more interested in seeing themselves in the spotlight than they are in really helping someone understand the Bible.

    Also - my faith is my faith... I've never once talked crap about another faith - some of the stuff you folks say on here is really offensive... and more ignorant than anything. Why don't you stop and try and form some understanding w/christians? It's easy to answer that question - you don't WANT TO. Yet you all sure talk a load of trash about it based on what YOU THINK you know.

    That's it for me on here as far as these debates too - NT isn't a very welcoming place for someone who's anti-abortion, believes homesexuality to be at least something unnatural or 'scientifically off'... or who is CHRISTIAN.

    Someone who thinks like that - who has those beliefs is defined by the lot of you as 'morons', 'close-minded', 'idiots'... and you even like to lump us in w/the Wars and famine and hardships in this world - you HAVE NO CLUE at the hope we have in our hearts or of the real love for life and fellow man we have... and it's a shame too - because the majority of us are good, talented loving people - pretty much everything you declare us not to be.

  • Crouwel0

    "Have your own opinion. Make up your own mind, you "freethinkers", and get at me when you write a book that dominates the conversation of the world.

    And then have someone make a movie of it.
    (May 19 06, 07:58)"

    WORLD is a bit of an exageration innit?

    there's plenty of people in large and small cultures who really don't give a f*ck.

  • mrdobolina0

    Jaline, if you disagree with christians, you just need to read it again.

    kinda like wahhabiist muslims.

  • Jaline0

    Pony, you act like this is an attack on everything you are. It's not (unless you define yourself through the Bible and religion). It's more about the outdated beliefs people still have.

    "That's it for me on here as far as these debates too - NT isn't a very welcoming place for someone who's anti-abortion, believes homesexuality to be at least something unnatural or 'scientifically off'... or who is CHRISTIAN."

    Because it just makes you seem very intolerant...

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    Crouwel - it's a big book... and the dorks in today's world (I mean most of the CHRISTIAN rulers) don't even read it or understand it... I understand why don't want to have a part in it...

    ... but how about showing a little respect for those of us who do?

    I've studied Khoran and Torah and a bunch of other religions... that's just something that we do in our religion to at least get a basic understanding of others...

    ... but I don't get online on a forum and talk trash about them.

    I might share my opinions which are christian most of the time - does that make me bad, ignorant, and STUPID? According to most of NT - yep.

    I appreciate the respect guys - //no really.

    If you don't like christians - great... your right - but why can't you show the same respect to those that hold a differnt opinion?

  • Jaline0

    by the way, you can't compare flash with something as huge of an issue as Christianity. I don't use flash because I think you can do some amazing things with HTML and I hate waiting forever for things to load...simple as that.

  • Crouwel0

    jesus h christ on a chopstick, you xtians sure are the most arrogant and domination-dizzy folks in the western world, aren't you?

    you don't know JACKSHIT about human psychology and it's development in both historical and cultural context.

    so please shove your biblical opinion up your holy arse and read goethe, nietzsche and modern day philosophers, then please read ALL studies on homosexuality carried out by INDEPENDENT professors and scientists around the globe before you judge about homosexuality!

  • mrdobolina0

    have "faith" in whatever you want, but don't try to run my country on it.

  • Jaline0

    "I've studied Khoran and Torah and a bunch of other religions... that's just something that we do in our religion to at least get a basic understanding of others..."

    who is 'we'?

    I don't have lots against Christians (my best friends are very Christian) but when I hear something that doesn't make sense I call it out.

  • Crouwel0

    "If you don't like christians - great... your right - but why can't you show the same respect to those that hold a differnt opinion?"

    you will not get any of my respect until you respect not only the rights of other religions but also the rights of people with different sexual preference.

    as these people are all humans, and i believe in something like universal human rights and wellbeing of people.

    NOT biased studies brought forward by christians that turns into political decision making that does not respect human rights and progress on a full scale.

    and i will defend this to my last breath.

  • PonyBoy0

    Enter response:

    thanks Crouwel - I appreciate the respect for my opinion.

    I'm an idiot in your eyes and not another person w/different thoughts.

    And thanks for lumping me in w/the rest of 'the west'.

  • Crouwel0

    have "faith" in whatever you want, but don't try to run my country on it.
    (May 19 06, 18:50)


    this is why i am losing serious respect for xtians lately since both in the US and in my country christian fanatics are in control and try to merge religion with politics again, ie; bringing us back to the middle-ages.

    well thank you, i don't want to go there again!

  • mrdobolina0


  • Jaline0
