Da Vinci Code

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  • mrdobolina0

    damn jaline, couldnt have said that better myself.

    never understood why "real christians" don't call out the "fakers" instead of messing with people who don't have the faith.

  • Crouwel0

    "And yes, it is the Nihilistic and life de-valuing tenets of Nietsche's philosophy which lead to racial cleansing and Eugenics. That's just fact, my friend.
    (May 19 06, 19:09)"

    there you go again!

    nietzsche wrote controversial matter that needed serious discussion. it is the people who carried out genocide who are responsible, not nietzsche.

    do you want to hold Peter Sloterdijk accountable for present day racism or biogenetic hazards then?

    he writes just as controversial as Nietzsche and it stirs up discussion and debate and that is what we need.

    not dusty dogma's from the giant spaghetti monster.

  • flagellum0

    Jaline, do you need some coffee?

    We were discussing the evidence for the Bible's accuracy before Crouwel and mrdobolina jumped in with emotional rhetoric.

    When did homosexuality come into this? Are you getting your threads confused?

  • Crouwel0

    Jaline, who is not letting homosexuals go about their business? How is disagreeing with homosexual marriage in principle not letting them go about their business? I have homosexual friends, my dear.
    (May 19 06, 19:12)


    and a nephew in Iraq

    and an ex-gf in the Church of Satan

    and two neighbours that are Shiites


  • jaylarson0

    "You make all manner of assumptions that come from emotion, not fact. What every person needs to ask themselves and seek out is: Is there evidence for a God? And if so is there evidence that he has revealed himself to humanity?"

    No. Only hysteria, possibly schitzophrenia, and halucinations based on cultural imagery and old, archaic thought patterns. Go Crouwel (speeeeled right no?) Go Jaline!

    Anyone read The Story of B? Ishmael, My Ishmael? Beyond Civilization? writen by a Daniel Quinn. I especially enjoyed the storytelling of The Story of B.

    We need new thoughts. Not old archaic ideas that have been bread from a "Great Forgetting" (to use Daniel Quinn's words).

    The water's warming to a boil folks, if we keep hanging on to old methodologies of reason (or lack thereof) shit's gonna git realy ugly.

    Discussion good. God bad. Period. I win. Now it's time to see the film. Back later...

    I am B.

  • flagellum0

    Crouwel, mindless nonsense about a flying spaghetti monster isn't going to get you anywhere.

    Why don't you tell us specifically what you believe it means to be a Christian and why you believe it's just one of many religions.

  • Jaline0

    Jaline, I would ask you to tell me about the Christians you know personally, the churches you've attended and thru which you've gotten acquainted with individual Christians, but I don't think i want to waste any more time discussing anything with you.
    (May 19 06, 19:13)

    Christians are everywhere. It's pretty hard to not notice activities going on in the community or not have any Christian friends. My friends are pretty sensible about major issues though.

  • Crouwel0

    When did homosexuality come into this? Are you getting your threads confused?
    (May 19 06, 19:15)

    When did Christianity or the Bible come into homosexual matter? Are you getting your beliefs confused?

  • PonyBoy0

    i respect your opinion as long as it does not suffocate mine and human progress in general.


    (May 19 06, 18:57)
    Enter response:


    Good grief - and for the record - I AM NOT OF THE 'XTIAN' FAITH that runs the gov over here...

    ... those aren't 'christians'.

    If they lived by the Bible as they say they do - they'd not lay a hand on another country and no one over here or there or over 'there' would go hungry.

    Gosh I hate trying to explain myself on NT - I don't vote... I'm POLITICALLY NEUTRAL actually...

    ... but I feel that abortion is just a quick method to get rid of a 'dumb mistake' that takes the life a humna that HASN'T EVEN GOTTEN A CHANCE... THAT'S NOT PROGRESSIVE THINKING... THAT'S LIVING IN THE DARK AGES in my mind. Kill to deny responsiblity (and look at the numbers on abortions - rape and incest fall in a TINY % of 'reported' abortions)... therefore I am absolutely appaled by the argument that it's Christians trying to take away the rights of women - because it's really just an excuse to rid yourself of a lifelong 'mistake' in your opinion - and that to me is DISGUSTING and not forward thinking.

    And homosexuality - I've seen my share of studies on it and talk about it plenty w/my Dad's side of the family as my uncle... IS GAY. I'm utterly CONFUSED by 'sexual preference' because two men being sexual together just seems to flow against the way we're built... thus my term of 'unnatural'... Also - as a child I was sexually molested by a couple of fuckers in my neighborhood and have spent MORE THAN MY FAIR SHARE fighting w/my own sexuality... so don't fucking lay your shit on me about your fucking studies on sex and what's natural and what's not... AND IT'S ALL A MASSIVE HEAD FUCK because people twist sex to their own liking and meaning EVERY FUCKING DAY... gay or not.

    ... toss in the Bible and wheee!... it agrees w/me on those two points - so I can move forward... and God forbid - it brings me comfort.

    My thinking... isn't always Christian, Crouwel... I try to look at things from just a 'what feels right' sort of perspective.. that's all.

    abortion doesn't 'seem right' to me... and neither does 'homosexuality'... that doesn't mean I'm a bigot or I treat folks of that nature or who don't see eye to eye w/me as anti-human / anti-progressive people... I disagree and give my argument... respectfully usually - although I have my moments. :)

    It's just on NT - you guys TRASH CHRISTIANS... painfully...

    ... and granted... *sigh... yeah - you don't have much good to go off of.

    I've been 'outted' as far as what religion I am before on NT - I really don't want to get into it because I don't want to bring any reproach on it due to my lack of cordial words online... but as far as being a 'good christian'...

    ... you may be suprised to know that I am 'excommunicated' from religion as it were.

    (NO ONE from my religion goes into the military either - if they did - they'd be 'excommunicated' as we aren't political - although we may yap about it as we live in this world too - but we're not in office, not in anything government or even on the Police force etc)...

    ... I have no clue why I'm telling you all this...

    ... maybe Ijust want your acceptance?!! pleasse?!

    I mean... *sniff... I love you guys... but you SHREAD my beliefs on a daily basis and most of the time I'll argue a lil... but I try and stand clear cuz I suppose I 'DO' sound like the same rhertoric and garabage that you hear from the religious right in america...

    ... which is why I guess i'm don't want to really participatein these kinda threads anymore - cuz I don't like being lumped in w/the rest of the group... and I'm talking about the war-mongers, the 'old-world' thinkers that you guys describe.

    Understand... theres TONS of good ones out there too(xtians)... we just usally keep quiet because we're so hated (and I know of a few more on NT that'll never reveal it and you'd proabbly be shocked).

  • flagellum0

    What we need to face up to is the fact that the steamboat era philosophies of the outdated 19th century (pseudo)"enlightenment" have left people empty and in therapy. The soul thirsts, now more than ever. God is alive and well and dramatically changing lives. I'm one of them. Neitzche on the other hand is dead. Christ is risen. And therein lies the difference. A living savior who still radically transforms lives thru relentless love and forgiveness which is not earned and cannot be earned.

  • flagellum0

    to put it another way...


  • PonyBoy0

    "i do respect you and ponyboy as a person or human being."


    Enter response:

    really? why'd you call me 'phonyboy' above in that same post?

    what's PHONY about me?

  • mrdobolina0

    I just dont understand why the real christians dont call out the religious right in this country instead of wasting their breath with people without the faith.

    I never will understand that.

  • flagellum0

    When did Christianity or the Bible come into homosexual matter? Are you getting your beliefs confused?

    (May 19 06, 19:17)

    Displaying your gross ignorance again. Shall I cite all the passages in the Bible that mention homosexuality?

  • mrdobolina0

    flagellum creeps me the fuck out.

  • Jaline0

    Sorry to hear what you've had to go through Kevin, but some of us have gone through the same crap.

    I just can't believe that so many people would 'choose' to be homosexual with all the hatred that exists surrounding the issue. Society changes with time. Our culture has become more tolerant of homosexuality, among other things, so people feel more free to 'come out'. But don't for a second believe that there weren't tons of homosexual people in the past....because there were.

  • flagellum0

    When did Christianity or the Bible come into homosexual matter? Are you getting your beliefs confused?

    (May 19 06, 19:17)

    And this is more ad hominem claptrap. Are people not allowed to disagree with certain notions, now? Love this "modern" tolerance. "I'll be tolerant of anyone who disagrees with me." Eh, Crouwel? lol

  • Crouwel0

    Why don't you tell us specifically what you believe it means to be a Christian and why you believe it's just one of many religions.
    (May 19 06, 19:16)

    i have been raised in an extremely christian environment, i was sent to sunday school where the bible was shoved down your throat from mornings to evenings. i attended 3 christian schools and i lived amongst the most fanatic christians we have here in the Netherlands, called "Gereformeerden" (who are btw. for a large part also responsible for the current christian fanaticism in the US as well, unfortunately).

    These people raised their children in extremely isolated environments and even refused to have their children protected against diseases like poliomyelitis simply because God and not us should decide over the lives of children. Children DID DIE because of this. Because their parents thought the giant spaghetti monster was more important to them then the lives of their children.

    Then there was so much incest and abuse happening in my neighbourhood it really made you feel uncomfortable living there.


    and with Giant Spaghetti Monster I refer not to a higher entity we call God but to the phenomenon that is created by christian values and beliefs.

    i respect the idea of a higher entity but i do NOT respect people dictating other people who this entity is and what his rules are.

    because essentially, i'd like to believe in being there for your fellow beings and for the good of our planet as a whole, and if that will not give me access to the giant spaghetti bowl after i die, well, tough luck then.

  • PonyBoy0

    When did Christianity or the Bible come into homosexual matter? Are you getting your beliefs confused?

    (May 19 06, 19:17)
    Enter response:

    i think i brought up homosexuality because we were talking about christian beliefs in the west and how they're running things etc... and homosexuality and marriage is a big part of the argument that is 'religious'...therefor fits well in this conversation...

    ... but as Flagellum said above - the Bible point blank speaks out against homesexuality of both male and female - the passages are there and can be quoted - but I get a feeling some of you don't care because it will be coming from a book that 'has no meaning to today's society' as someone put it.

  • Jaline0

    flagellum creeps me the fuck out.
    (May 19 06, 19:23)

    haha, I know what you mean.