RACISM Orleans

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  • 186 Responses
  • rasko40

    exactly pavlovs_dog, most of these idiots feel that because we have chosen a certain career that for some reason our opinions or ideas do not matter, well fine, if perhaps they feel they are not intelligent enough to have a viewpoint then count themselves out, but if you people genuinely feel that we shouldn't have ideas or debate then I trust you will be forfeiting your right to vote also, or are you just going to vote for your favourite movie star or the one that kisses the most babies. You have fallen into the trap of thinking that only those considered 'experts' can be correct or vital, I guess you are just happy to accept whatever you are told then. pathetic.

  • JazX0

    I'm no designer. I'm a ruler. hehe
    (Jan 17 06, 10:11)

    the flexible kind?
    (Jan 17 06, 10:30)

    yes the bendy wendy one and see through too... hahaa

  • TheTick0

    Question, New Orleans is not only one of America's most busiest ports, it is one of the top busiest ports in the entire world. Money flows through that city - it just hasn't gotten spent on infra-structure.

    Do some research and take a long hard look at the industries effected by the damage done to New Orleans - primarily agriculture and oil.

  • kingjulien0

    It's not that I don't think people should have opinions about these matters, but to get so upset when some random stranger on a graphic designer message board says something that you construe as racist is nothing short of retarded.

    The New Orleans issues, and the discussion of race and class in this country, are far more complex than many of you give it credit to be.

    TheTick I know you think you're some kind of social theorist and/or intellectual, but you're trying way too hard to be deep and profound. Just because you've read a few books and listen to NPR doesn't make you have all the answers. You're entitled to your opinions, as is everybody else, but you come across as all-knowing - like everything is so simple and clear and how come the rest of us don't see it like that, and personally I think you're a tool because of that, and many other reasons.

  • TheTick0

    yes the bendy wendy one and see through too... hahaa
    (Jan 17 06, 10:32)
    So, if we poke holes in you, can we play you like a flute?

  • JazX0

    yes the bendy wendy one and see through too... hahaa
    (Jan 17 06, 10:32)
    -------------------- ---------
    So, if we poke holes in you, can we play you like a flute?
    (Jan 17 06, 10:33)

    yes for $.59 a blow

  • Geith0

    Everybodys know that DC is the one and Chocolate City. Ask George Clinton.

    Nagin will have to settle for Fudge City or something. Oh wait, that's San Francisco.


  • TheTick0

    I think you're a tool because of that, and many other reasons.
    (Jan 17 06, 10:33)
    KJ, my man, bro.. I do know more than you. I know it's tough to handle when you meet up with an educated, experienced, clear thinking fellow like myself, and one day I am sure you'll handle it. In the meantime, I won't lower myself to calling you a "tool". I'll let the women in your life do that.

  • TheTick0

    So, if we poke holes in you, can we play you like a flute?
    (Jan 17 06, 10:33)

    yes for $.59 a blow
    (Jan 17 06, 10:34)
    So you're pricing for the mass market then? Nice...

  • rasko40

    I find your best qualities are your humility and empathy.

  • JazX0

    now Marion Barry, he was a good one, speaking of DC.

    Chris Rock: " I can be Mayah"... haha that joke never get's old

  • kingjulien0

    I do know more than you. I know it's tough to handle when you meet up with an educated, experienced, clear thinking fellow like myself, and one day I am sure you'll handle it. In the meantime, I won't lower myself to calling you a "tool". I'll let the women in your life do that.
    (Jan 17 06, 10:37)
    See what I mean? You have no idea as to what the education and background of many of the people here have, but you make silly sweeping generalities that come off as idiotic and arrogant. If you're so educated, experienced, clear thinking, and knowledgable, how come that doesn't translate into your writings, or your opinions? And do you think quoting Ben Franklin out of context to what I said makes you sharp? If you're so brilliant, how come nobody else recognizes it but you?

    Yeah, the women in my life call me a tool. You sure got me there, bro. That what quite clever and witty of you. Got any other jokes genius?

  • Ramanisky20

    you know what this thread is missing?

    a little sprinkle of

    thats son incase you did'nt know

  • Jaline0

    It's not that I don't think people should have opinions about these matters, but to get so upset when some random stranger on a graphic designer message board says something that you construe as racist is nothing short of retarded.

    The New Orleans issues, and the discussion of race and class in this country, are far more complex than many of you give it credit to be.

    TheTick I know you think you're some kind of social theorist and/or intellectual, but you're trying way too hard to be deep and profound. Just because you've read a few books and listen to NPR doesn't make you have all the answers. You're entitled to your opinions, as is everybody else, but you come across as all-knowing - like everything is so simple and clear and how come the rest of us don't see it like that, and personally I think you're a tool because of that, and many other reasons.
    (Jan 17 06, 10:33)

    I agree. Some of the people here don't tend to read up on subjects on their own, and therefore they don't really see all sides of the story (which are all going to be skewed anyway). Not saying everyone, but there are definitely ppl like that here. And everywhere.

  • todelete__20

    this thread looks like a job for

  • Rand0

    I've ganed new clarity on this and other issues

  • todelete__20

    Oh man. My last post was 'wrong thread'

    That was supposed to go into the Cupcakes thread.


  • PolaroidMan0

    i usually remain silent in these types of discussions because they are pointless for the most part. Everyone is just trying to make THEIR respective points with closed ears to the points of others. I am a new orleans native, but have been living away from the city for the past 8/9 years. My mom and my entire family were affected by the hurricane, most of them lost their homes and most of them have lost their jobs. anyway... none of my family lived in the 9th ward. They lived in the new orleans East (if any of you are familiar with that area) and the rest of them live Uptown (3rd ward, 17th ward etc..). While i agree, with whoever said that its a matter of doing what can and cant be done in terms of destroying the 9th ward and rebuilding uptown, i also have to humbly submit that when i went back with my mom sis and grandmother a week before christmas to assess the damage...in the "nice" areas like St. Charles Ave and the Carrolton area, it appeared that everything was back to normal...but if you go a few blocks over in each of these areas..(where there are nice homes, but predominately black neighborhoods) the electricity would still be off for blocks and the trash was still heaped in the streets. Now my little sister went to Ursuline academy which is a predominateley white school, with a few minorites there. She has been in touch with her white friends as well as her black friends and one arab family that she knows. Most of the students are back in new orleans living in their homes and ready for the school to reopen sometime this month, and the students whose families have not been able to return are mainly the black families. Now, these black families werent poor families living off of welfare and in public housing....they are the middle class blacks and some a little below middle, but a bit above the poverty line, who had decent jobs, nice homes etc. They are being told that the areas they lived in are not ready to be returned to yet. (not 9th ward and so on). The even not so damaged areas are still being worked on in a discriminative way. Now i know kOna or jazX might jump down my throat with the "im sick of the race card rhetoric" stick, but all here who KNOW new orleans, and whose experience there is more than a weekend on burbon street that was restricted to a streetcar ride, the french quarter and a stroll up canal, or magazine streets, will bear witness that there is a HUGE racial divide there and that katrina just exposed a lot of what has been present there since before i was born. Now on the other hand...yes, there was a large element of black people living on welfare and in public housing and so on. i dont run from that fact. I believe that this is an oppurtunity for them(us) to start fresh with a clean slate and change the quality of their/our lives for the better.
    sorry for the lenghty post guys.

  • chaztoo0

    Throwing money at a city to rebuild it and create jobs is super, but if you are rebuilding it out of chocolate it's just going to melt! Why do you all continue to miss the point?!?

    Besides that, it will only create jobs for experienced chocolatiers, not the everyman. This isn't about race or class. It's about an extraordinarily bad choise of materials.

  • TheTick0

    Hey Genius Julien, how'd that vote for Suge Knight work out for ya in '04.

    You're a funny guy. You're the one who called me a tool and then you through a hissy fit when I defend myself? STFU