RACISM Orleans

Out of context: Reply #174

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  • Jaline0

    It's not that I don't think people should have opinions about these matters, but to get so upset when some random stranger on a graphic designer message board says something that you construe as racist is nothing short of retarded.

    The New Orleans issues, and the discussion of race and class in this country, are far more complex than many of you give it credit to be.

    TheTick I know you think you're some kind of social theorist and/or intellectual, but you're trying way too hard to be deep and profound. Just because you've read a few books and listen to NPR doesn't make you have all the answers. You're entitled to your opinions, as is everybody else, but you come across as all-knowing - like everything is so simple and clear and how come the rest of us don't see it like that, and personally I think you're a tool because of that, and many other reasons.
    (Jan 17 06, 10:33)

    I agree. Some of the people here don't tend to read up on subjects on their own, and therefore they don't really see all sides of the story (which are all going to be skewed anyway). Not saying everyone, but there are definitely ppl like that here. And everywhere.

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