Los Angeles

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  • 88 Responses
  • gavinnosler0

    Well, I moved to LA about a year and a half ago from Sacramento, so I guess I should put in my comments. To sum it up, LA is rude and dirty. Rude meaning the people can be very inconsiderate, especially on the freeways, and dirty meaning LA has the worst air polution in the United States. I moved here as a freelancer and got myself a nice little studio right near the beach in Redondo Beach, where I'm still living. I managed to pay the bills as a freelancer since all the firms right now would rather contract than employ. A cool job finally came around in Santa Monica about 8 months ago, which is where I'm currently working. VERY IMPORTANT: If you're going to live in Los Angeles, WORK NEXT TO WHERE YOU LIVE. The freeways will drive you insane. I live 16 miles from my office and it takes me around an hour to get to work. Don't move out to LA expecting to find a job right away. There are so many unemployed design school graduates right now it's insane. If you can deal with the horrible traffic and dirty air, LA is great. It's a very artistic place if you know where to look. Me, I don't want to deal with the traffic and people here. I'm getting outta here and moving to Hawaii shortly. You think finding a design job in LA is hard? Try Hawaii...

  • JazX0

    Just so you know I bumped this thread up for people that don't use the Search button at the bottom. Why keep threads in a DB if they aren't going to be utilized later? :)

  • unknown0

    Move here, don't. It's the biggest collection of assholes on the planet. People here will step on their mother for nickel.

    Your soul will die.

  • scarabin0

    ha ha.

  • pepe0

    pski is right....this town has a way of changing even the most kind and gentle person into a salty bitter cynic....

    viva j.lo!

  • lilbabyleg0

    are you really moving to hawaii? congrats! I would love to live in Kauai. I suppose I could design Hotel Brochures or something... maybe sign painting.

    Having been born and raised in L.A., I don't notice the assholes and filth (prolly cuz I'm one of them!) but venturing out and seeing places like Portland and Kauai makes me realize how trashy LA is.

    There is a tight design community BTW. But what do you mean by design community? If you're saying like designers getting together and doing projects and gossiping you could sign up for the AIGA or something... What exactly are people looking for when they say design community... I have friends and they happen to be designers isn't that a design community? What do real design communities do?

    Every once in a while you can pause, lift your head up and look around... I'm goign through that right now. I need to move somewhere else. Practically everybody I know is from out of town.

    But damn the girls here are fine as fuck. The ones that don't have boob jobs and nose jobs that is...

  • Douglas0

    I moved to LosAngeles about 6months ago and really enjoy living here so far. Got a job in motion graphics/broadcast design, scored an apartment in SantaMonica 3blocks from the beach, have met a lot of really great people, hang out with a bunch of designers, and collaborate on projects all the time. There is going to be shitty people and traffic in just about any big city. There is lots of design out here comparably speaking to other cities in the US, and usually lots of fun things to do, see, and try. I don't see myself staying in LA forever, but it was a good move.

  • Douglas0

    oops... I guess I replied to this thread already a few months ago. Sorry.