
Out of context: Reply #58

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  • exador0


    i invite all of you to go to you local library and look up some books on propaganda and marketing and sales

    then watch cnn or fox again with fresh eyes..

    i thought i was in a forum of people that were in media...?
    folks....there's more to creating a winnning pitch than knowing about action scripts and how to open photoshop..but apparently they aren't teaching psychology anymore ....
    i'm not trying to be bitchy here..and i don't want to offend my american neighbors, whom i love dearly...
    but holy crap..
    i thought some of you had a background in real advertising and would have the good sense to know when you're being manipulated...
    it is so obvious that i feel weird mentioning it here...


    the brakedown of any good ad.

    here's another..
    look em up
    'the law of repetition..'

    repeat something long enough, and with enough authority, and it will eventually be believed subconciously as true..

    hitler used it..he called it the 'big lie'

    he once wrote 'small lies are easy to penetrate...easy to disregard.. but a big lie? big lies can change history.'

    here's a BIG HUGE LIE


    they aren't...

    but wow...

    all bets are off, eh?
    even mice, when backed into a corner will go fucking nuts and do unpredictable things..
    and this guy isn't a mouse..

    and liberation of the iraqis?

    don't kid yourself..

    bombing your way to 'peace'
    is like fucking your way to virginity

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