outsourcing to india

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • zedvox0

    Why blame the Indians?
    Its the comapines which want to spend less money on labor and make a lot of profit.

    also i do not think any good client or design fim will outsource any job. Design is very much rooted in the culture we inhabit and someone sitting far away will not be able to come up with creative strategy effective for the market here.

    What can happen is all the backend stuffm which has already begun but its a cycle man... most of the tech based jobs were anyways owned by indians the only difference is that the quality of life ( for the middle class in india) is getting higher day by day, so the allure of USA is fading and a lot of Indians living abroad are going back.
    it's evolution.

    As for the comment someone made how they all had white teeth? what the fuck did you expect dumbass?

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