Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #519

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  • CygnusZero4-5

    WOW. Major Spoilers here.

    I have a LOT of problems with this movie. I mean a LOT. I felt Lucas' touch missing from start to finish. It felt way more like Star Trek than Star Wars to me. Felt no presence of the sith or jedi outside of things shoehorned into it.

    Snoke is not even close to being as cool as Sidious. They shouldnt have gone with CGI for him. I felt like I was watching Harry Potter every time he was on. Shit, Darth Maul puts him and Kylo Ren to shame.

    As soon as Kylo took his helmet off with that gloriously styled hair and perfectly shaven face I did the biggest fucking eyeroll youve ever seen. Totally ridiculous and pulled me out of the character instantly. What the fuck happened to mysterious villains?? I mean does JJ even know why Vader was cool? He was just a masked badass until the very end of the trilogy. Ugh.

    I need to see it again, the movie wasnt AWFUL, I liked some aspects of it, but it was very, very rushed, missing a lot of what I liked about Lucas' movies, music was meh. Say what you want about the prequels, the music was absolutely beautiful. Nothing even close to that in this. Story was kinda meh, starkiller base was almost like an afterthought. What was the real threat in this movie? Them blowing up some random planets for no reason at all? Ok I guess.

    Others are obviously loving it here which is fine, but that did not feel like a Star Wars movie to me. There was remnants of the last 2 Star Trek movies everywhere. There was SW shit in it, but the feeling of a SW movie wasnt there for me. I really felt the absense of Lucas from start to finish. I wish he had some involvement.

    • Ditto.BabySnakes
    • Ren's moment with the blaster was pretty dope thoughjaylarson
    • +1 for removing the maskjaylarson
    • +1 for more lucas involvement. there seemed to be a certain lack of detail. otherwise, i was very entertained.jaylarson
    • this was my sentiments exactly... v. disappointed by it in a lot of ways. The pirate gangs were bordering on ludicrously bad.fadein11
    • The helmet on and off was likely a reflection of the duality inside him. Conflicted dark and light.ETM
    • The "random planets" included the capital of the New Republic, destroying the seat of government and resistance support as well as creating a power vacuum.ETM
    • I would take this movie over the prequels every day of the week. TFA had proper acting and mostly reasonable dialogue.ETM

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