Today's design heroes

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • tOki0

    I'd say the lack of such heroes is not that they don't exist, it's just the internet has made us realise how many great designers there are out there. The world has become much smaller. Many of us compete an international level where as previously this wasn't really possible. It is subsequently much harder to shine as an individual because of the collective nature that has become the design scene, just take be.hance, deviantart, css galleries etc as an example. It's mass media displayed en masse.

    Also in the digital space, there are so many people touching a persons work that it's very hard to sit there and say "it's all me". It's now the team, which may be comprised of notable figures, but a team nonetheless. The most painful truth is that because of this, it is often a huge fight to make sure those other people don't touch it with dirty hands and take away from your good work. If you are working in digital, as I am, you will intimately understand how frustrating this can be. We've all had clients who create content for their sites or developers who lack attention to detail.

    Design has become a commodity more it has ever been, template sites and logo designer applications are proof of this. As a result, the person behind it doesn't really matter anymore nor does the process.

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