God's warriors

Out of context: Reply #150

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  • gramme0

    Why does it have to be so mysterious? Why isn't god just a part of our everyday lives??? (I'm not talking about YOU praying to him or "feeling" him, but why doesn't he just show himself to us every single day and say "hey guys, what's up? how's everything going down there?, Yup, I am god, i am here, i exist, follow me.")

    Sorry, but if there was a god, and if he was AT LEAST a decent god... he would do that. That's the least he could do to set things straight in people's minds and reduced all the conflict in this world.

    If THIS is the best an all-powerful, all-knowing force can do - then he doesn't deserve anyone's worship.
    (Aug 25 07, 17:16)

    Who are you, me or anyone else to dictate what the content of God's nature should be? Are you intelligent or capable enough to create a God that is bigger than you? I know I sure can't do that. Sure, we can create myths and fairy tales. But we as humans are not capable of dreaming up our Creator. Can a dog comprehend his master? Can an ape in the forests of Africa comprehend the research findings of a Jane Goodeall?

    I have said it here before and will say it again for any readers who haven't heard it from me before: neither I nor anyone else created/dreamed up God. As a finite, flawed being who can only exist in one place at one time (albeit with an ability to project myself into the electronic dimension of the internet), I cannot create perfection, or even come close to comprehending it.

    I think God wants us to seek him out. He wants people to realize how small and powerless they are so that they will reach out and acknowledge his sovereignty and admit that we are not gods. As imperfect beings, it seems that this is the only way. Much in the same way that one's understanding of joy is deepened by an understanding of sorrow, an appreciation of deity, of salvation is deepened by knowing one's great need.

    Why, the logical mind asks next, are we then imperfect? Why has God allowed imperfection into the world? Why can't we have perfect knowledge without the need for pain?

    I don't know. Nobody has figured that one out yet, nor do I think anyone will this side of eternity. I do believe however that God has a reason for it all, and that it is a good one. I believe this because I have heard of his acts throughout the millenia. I have seen him speak through humble human beings. I have seen him revealed in the awesome beauty of nature. And I have seen and felt his protection, guidance and (often very tough) love in my own life.

    I have personally been saved from the edge of death on many occasions. I have been saved from myself more times than I can count. I have seen prayers answered not as I hoped for, but in ways very different and far more wonderful than I ever would have imagined. I am content to know a little about this God, and to trust my eternal wellbeing in his care. He has held me thus far, and he will carry me home.

    Speak for yourself, but this God deserves nothing less than my devoted worship. People criticize him because they don't know him. I did the same for many years.

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