PowerBook G4 Pain Chips.

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • monokrom0

    Isn't buying Apple products all about paying a premium (translation : getting f#cked on the price and paying through the nose for slower proprietary hardware) for innovative design and elegance ?

    That's what Apple fanatics keep telling each other (and anyone else who comes within range), at any rate.

    Then, oddly enough, I see and hear people talking about how all of the paint is chipping off of their powerbook (paint? paint on plastic casing? who thought that that would be at all durable?). And they tell me that, unless they put a rag over their keyboard when they close their powerbook (or pay for a spiffier designer rag from a 3rd party company that sells a lot of crap designed to help Apple customers cope with all of the design flaws in Apple products), their keyboard will mess up their display. And on and on it goes with every Apple product. I still recall the G4 cubes - oh how my Apple-loving friends cried when the plastic began to show small cracks.

    For as long as I've been able to remember, buying Apple stuff has always seemed about as slick a move as beating one's self in the head with a toilet plunger.

    For the love of God, remember what you're going through now when the tiem comes to buy/build a new system.

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