
  • Bio

    Monster Inc

    just watched this movie on saturday.

    if you havent seen it, watch it.

    it will make the hair on your toes curl with deeeeee…

    Mar 31, 0310 replies
  • Bio

    Bio is A.D. for the week


    so the art director has gone to vegas with some of the company heads. i couldnt make it, so i am stuck her…

    Apr 2, 0346 replies
  • Bio

    Spam Revenge

    right, so i saw something a while back where a dude responded to spam email with some crazy shit. i decided i would do the same.

    Apr 3, 0312 replies
  • Bio



    posted in PBS too, but in case you dorks only keep one column open. . .

    pretty cool.

    Apr 4, 0330 replies
  • Bio

    Assist Bio


    ok, so i have a new harddrive and junk. i seem to have once AGAIN misplaced my vector map.

    i know i passed it around h…

    Apr 4, 032 replies
  • Bio

    3D site?

    mornin guys!

    saw a 3D site that required glasses a while back that was pretty neat but i never had the glasses. well, now i do…

    Apr 10, 034 replies
  • Bio

    Good day

    has been a good day.
    found out that some fun and creative things i did sold a project that would have otherwise fizzled. so i he…

    Apr 10, 0319 replies
  • Bio

    A Duck

    i am illustrating a vector mallard duck.

    what are you doing?

    rephrasing that question:
    what are you doing besides mastur…

    Apr 10, 0326 replies
  • Bio

    bio asks:

    anyone use microsoft publisher?

    a client wants to know if we can make our art compatible with MS publisher and i really dont k…

    Apr 16, 0316 replies
  • Bio

    Fun Day

    graphic design is fun when you're hangin out on

    i make joke. it were funny thing.

    please continue to keep me…

    Apr 16, 0340 replies
  • Bio

    twice today

    ok, well generally i try to answer more question than i ask, but this is twice in one day that i have been nailed.

    just got a …

    Apr 16, 0314 replies
  • Bio

    my eyeballs

    boredom is leaking from my eyeballs.

    my new computer is in, but the sys admin is "working on it".

    Apr 18, 034 replies
  • Bio

    sys resources crap

    using win XP and just wondering exactly what this stuff is.

    ok, in the task manager, ya know how you got the performance tab…

    Apr 28, 037 replies
  • Bio

    So tell me...

    everyone does something that is cool and useful whether you like doing it or not.

    what do you do (or know) that others wish the…

    May 1, 0334 replies
  • Bio

    last night weirdness

    i had a crazy ass nightmare.

    i was a woman in a dark house with weird lighting that had catacombs below the floor. there were …

    May 2, 0319 replies
  • Bio

    Eat my file byatch.

    hey guys. i have a Paintshop Pro (psp) file that i need to convert to a tif or psd or anything that is an accepted graphic format…

    May 7, 0327 replies
  • Bio

    <--what no love?

    like what you did to the main area saf. with the music. ive seen it before, but dont think i com…

    May 12, 0311 replies
  • Bio

    freelance + salesperson

    hey guys. my question is this:

    up until this point, i have always pulled in my own freelance gigs. from coldcall to bill collec…

    May 13, 0313 replies
  • Bio

    A gift for you

    right, i dont know where this came from. i think it is pretty old, but it is full of useful info and could save your life...


    May 15, 030 replies
  • Bio

    Acid Blotter

    yo! jason cooper just walked over and showed me the prints. fresh off the press and they are looking sweet! perforated and ready f…

    May 15, 0316 replies