Psilocybin Microdosing

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  • noneck3

    I've done small doses of mushrooms (~1-2g) a handful of times over the past year. Always felt clearer and sharper for days after. I skied Lake Louise on mushrooms in November. 10/10 experience.

    About a month ago I was having a shitty week. Couldn't focus on work, didn't feel like doing anything. Really unproductive. Like mild depression and increased ADD. I was getting good sleep, hydrating, good diet, and plenty of exercise. So I cleared my day and took a 0.5g dose. Really light.

    I felt better, but wasn't very productive. Too distracted. Everything seemed like a good idea. But it snapped me out of that funk pretty well. So it's something I'll try doing again when I need to.

    I would definitely recommend starting with the basics for good mental health though. Sleep! Drink water. Eat healthily. Get exercise (preferably outside).

  • scarabin5

    I’ll microdose for a couple weeks at a time every couple years for mental health. Usually happens when i’m in a rut. Helps elevate my mood and increase my motivation just enough to help me do the things i need to pull myself out.

    Usually i’ll make up a batch of .5gm chocolates, eat half of one in the morning, then eat the other half mid-day. I think this is more than others do but it’s the butter zone for me. For acid it’s just one dose.

    It’s just a stepping stone though, you still have to do your personal work


    I did it a little different. Start with one big dose (full trip). Get that wiring set up 'out of the gate.' Then medium dose every other Friday.

    I have seen my ego dissolve, I have more empathy for coworkers, and overall less stressed about work. The biggest improvement is I don't nervous before presentations anymore. My confidence has broken through an anxiety barrier.

  • mantrakid4

    Haha awesome info thanks all! Yeah i definitely swear by large doses for more intense spiritual 'realignments', i almost used to consider a mushroom trip as important, if not more, than a birthday in terms of 'seeing and dealing with shit' internally.

    I guess from what ive read about microdosing (0.1-0.3g) is you dont get a trip AT ALL, but its more of a shift of your baseline mood / mentality / awareness / acceptance / focus.

    It honestly sounds too good to be true, but im curious as hell. Hearing some of your stories helps tho!