Robotron3ksux Chrome Extension
- Started
- Last post
- 23 Responses
- err
Here is a quick browser extension I made that finds all of Robotron3k's idiotic posts and sets the opacity to.1
You can still hover over each post if you want to read.
- robotron3k3
I feel special. Thank you!
- sted1
AHAHAH nice :D
are you injecting dom or using the user profile style.css?
- err2
- sarahfailin1
- kingsteven1
hah, been doing this for a while. still click to read most of the shite it hides (not as much since docpoz left)... nice to have a bullshit flag, make sure i've got some water to wash it down with.
- mathinc1
+1 Installed
- ideaist1
The power of community. Nice @err!
- robotron3k7
Really this is so cool, I've been here since Mal and Trans fatty days, so this is real special honor by the youngsters here...
Idealist and err, I know you dudes love using Helvetica in design but since I'm one of like 4 Latinos here, would it be possible to do Latin branding for my custom chrome blocker??
Maybe like a jalapeno icon button you hit and then it says, "Yeepaa!! El Robotron3k es muy picoso! No quiero ver en el chat!" So people will know my posts are spicy and not for sensitive types...
- I don't think they see your post any more... Go wild I guess.pango
- Just asking for Spanish version of the chrome blockerrobotron3k
- ya go wild.pango
- loldopepope
- spiced up with lunacy and retardness like your so beloved prez.neverscared
- BusterBoy2
Can it also replace robotron3k with CUNT ?
- I like being invisible Man here!! Woohoo!robotron3k
- your posts never bothered me but cool********
- This has been implemented in version 0.2
please update and enjoyerr - hahaha noicesarahfailin
- pinkfloyd10
I have no problems with robo, can you make one for detritus?
- err1
Ask and you shall receive!
1. shows and hides posts on click!
2. changes user name to "* CUNT *"
- err1
Thanks for the comment Robotron3k!…- Hehe forgot about this... Oh lordy, someone commented?! Lolz.robotron3k
- Skywalker is the mom-assaulter, not roboGnash
- neverscared3
sweet stuff, thanks, the village idiot moved on to another town it´s kinda safe to say.
- utopian-1
When is the Safari version launching?
- utopian-1
The Chrome version works great.