osx text glitch
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- 12 Responses
- dopepope0
This hasn't happened to me in quite some time. But I recall it was a font issue. Running an optimizer in the font manager usually fixed the issue for me.
- VectorMasked0
Think that´s the usual helvetica issue.
Check there aren´t mulpitple versions of Helvetica activated. (this has worked for me).
Also what dopepope said.
- dbloc0
I've had this problem forever. Still can't use Chrome because of this.
- akrok0
i activated a few fonts and later open chrome and saw the madness. a deactivation and restart fixed it.
- JG_LB0
okay thanks will see if there's something i can do with fontexplorer
- raf0
Since 10.9.4 my Mac freezes once a week and needs to be hard-rebooted.
- ETM0
Looks fine. I see blonde, brunette, redhead.
- monospaced0
It's a conflict between the system version of Helvetica Neue and the other real version you have installed.
- Specifically between 55 Roman and systems renamed "regular"monospaced
- MrT0
If you search 'Chrome Last Resort font issue' - there are a few solutions. I had to muck about with system Helvetica in FontExplorerX, but not had a problem since.
- mekk0
Yup, Chrome messes with Helvetica when you have multiple helve's installed, clean your Fonts (Helvetica neue, Helvetica T1, Helvetica TT, you know the bad guys..)
- chrisRG0
I had this, mine was caused because I had some sites' used web-font installed on my computer (open sans), removing it, fixed the issue.
- JG_LB0
Welp i done did fucked it up.. I did a system fonts diagnostics check clean up thingamabobber in fontexplorer and it completely mucked up everything. My finder would no longer open correctly and basically i had an imac external drive. So i had to go to the apple store and they wiped everything and had to reinstall the os. I keep all my files on externals except for emails so i probably lost whatever isnt on my server and a few other things i wont even notice. Hopefully it runs faster now and i can recover all the software and plugins and stuff i lost