Halloween Costumes 2013

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  • Miguex0

  • mg33

    I've been wanting to make something really cool for Halloween for several years. Curious what everyone else has in mind too.

    I've had this idea to make a full mask, gloves, and sleeves covered in small shiny stones, like gravel for crafts or an aquarium. Nothing too heavy, and more the better in case some fell off.

    I'm trying to find a skin tight three hole mask ( eyes and mouth) and preferably not a ski mask. Thinking something more like spandex or tight polyester.

    I think next I would get a styrofoam mannequin, head, put the mask on it, and apply adhesive or glue of some kind to apply to it. Then, have a box full of gravel to dip the whole thing into. That way it's already expanded to actual head size, and I have some control over making sure it's totally coated.

    The gloves and sleeves would done while being worn.

    Curious if you have any suggestions for either a mask material or adhesive/glue. Really want to make this work. Want to wear regular clothes or a suit and the only "skin" showing are the stones. I usually hate Halloween, but finally want to put some effort into something cool like this.