wordpress login page not found

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  • 4 Responses
  • wwfc

    afternoon all,

    hoping that someone might be able to help me out here, i have a wordpress based site belonging to a client, but for some reason they nor i can login to the admin panel !? i've looked on the server - the wp-login.php page "is" there but it keeps telling that...

    Error 403: Forbidden
    Your PHP settings have been disabled by an H-Sphere administrator.

    Your current PHP configuration:
    This configuration was changed:
    Please bring your PHP configuration in compliance with admin settings or request your administrator to re-enable support of your settings.

    You don't have permissions to access this page. This usually means one of the following:

    this file and directory permissions make them unavailable from the Internet.
    .htaccess contains instructions that prevent public access to this file or directory.
    Please check file and directory permissions and .htaccess configuration if you are able to do this. Otherwise, request your webmaster to grant you access.

    i'm using cyberduck as my ftp client - but in reference to the .htaccess doc... cyberduck doesn't show that file...

    i've also tried changing the permissions on the login document - not playing still...
    the one funny thing was the document itself had been renamed to wp-login.php.old - but even when i changed that - still gave me that same error :/

    it's bizarre as the site itself is coming up fine - but when you add the /wp-login suffix to the url i get that error message...

    anyone had this before? or more to the point resolved this before!!!

  • orrinward20

    Talk to the hosting company of the site. Sounds like something they could fix.

    I had similar issues with 123-reg and nothing I tried fixed it. 123-reg gave me a bit of a mumble and then it worked. It was something wrong with their configuration.

  • wwfc0

    thanks for the reply orrinward2, appreciate it - yep sounds like the only option to me...

  • fadein110

    I've had this before - try /wp-admin not /wp-login.
    If that doesn't work make sure you have a .htaccess file in the root.

  • fadein110

    a blank .htaccess file fixed it for me.