AIGA - Worth it?
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- 19 Responses
- CincodeMayo
There's an old thread about whether or not AIGA is worth it ( but that was prior to their $50/year rate.
Has anyone joined since? Worth it or a waste? Anyone specifically a member in LA?
- identity0
AIGA is one of those organizations that is important for us, as an industry, to have - but it won't solve any major problems for you. You'll get out what you put in, but like any organization made up of a bunch of professionals, it will have its politics. The annual membership is such that i'd recommend giving it a shot for a year and see how you like it - each chapter is different.
- monospaced0
Depends on how much you take advantage of what they offer. One year I didn't attend any events or lectures and felt terrible, but if you go to a lot you can network and learn a ton. The NYC chapter is pretty robust too. I'm going to an in-house talk tomorrow night.
- d_rek0
Detroit Chapter
-Can be good for networking and getting your foot in the door to companies in the area
-Free admission to a handful of lectures / events throughout the yearCons:
-Design snobbery of other members
-Other members having questionable design experience and backgrounds
-Most employers and clients in area could give a crap less if you were a member
-Did not lead to any freelance leads whatsoeverI haven't renewed my membership in two years. Like identity said you get out of it what you put into it.
Personally I don't feel that the AIGA advances the design profession in any meaningful way for me. Being an AIGA member does not provide anyone with a level of accreditation on par with other vocational trades (think a licensed master electrician). There is no way to determine if someone is a hack or master designer and pretty much anyone who wants to pay dues can become a member. There seems to be no agenda to implement this type of accreditation, which I personally feel would probably advance design as a profession more than the ambiguous 'professional and ethical standards' they promote.
There's my 2 cents. Hope that helps.
- albums0
Considering I waste that much a week, it should be a no-brainer, if you're even considering it, drop the $50 and see what you can do with it.
- d_rek0
Since when has an AIGA membership been $50? Is it no longer $300/year ?
- Ah I see they have different levels of membership now.d_rek
- Or did they always?d_rek
- ours are like $900 a yearmonospaced
- New membership structure was rolled out last august. goes $50 - $150 - $250.jtb26
- CincodeMayo0
Sounds like you guys had the same thoughts I did.
Yah, I think last August they started this new pricing tier system. For $50 it seems like I might as well give it a go and see what I get out of it.
Thanks all.
- CincodeMayo0
Sounds like you guys had the same thoughts I did.
Yah, I think last August they started this new pricing tier system. For $50 it seems like I might as well give it a go and see what I get out of it.
Thanks all.
- bored2death0
I think the question is, what do you hope to get out of it?
- CincodeMayo0
@bored2death - I think that's what I'm trying to figure out. What CAN you get out of it?
Obviously some networking would be great. And some of the sessions offered sound interesting. Can't hurt to have it on the resume either. So I guess for all of that it's worth $50.
- Douglas0
might be monetarily worth it if these discounts benefit you... worth it if you only want to go to the occasional event and network.
- ********0
I think my Prime membership on Amazon comes with a greater benefits package of free unlimited video and free shipping on everything i buy on Amazon. AIGA was very much like throwing away my money. They're membership slogan should read,
"If you got some extra money, give it to us"
and they go to town painting an image of high design. I feel it would be better served if they just asked for donations, but people would probably not pay an unnecessary fee. However people will pay to unlock the mysteries behind their membership program.
Their parties are pretty lame, and doesn't contain enough snobbery to make it a highlight of the night. They hang up a couple of designs, pull out a couple cheap bottles of wine. You pay $75 and get a 1/4" filled plastic cup, and some leftover pretzels.
- davey_g0
If you are in a decent sized city with a shit ton of cool events, might be worth it.
If not, it's like joining a fraternity full of design snobs.
- jtb260
I'm currently serving on a chapter board so I'm biased, but I'll say this:
Just start showing up. Go to events, attend meetings maybe volunteer. You'll know really quickly if it's something that's valuable. Doing this changed the trajectory of my career.
Like any group of people there can be politics, and cliques. But most of the people I've met across the country that are involved are great people who are passionate about the industry.
I could go on for awhile about the benefits, but I've clearly drank the kool-aid and should clearly go suck a bag of dicks or something. Anyway, just start showing up and participating. If you like it what you get out of it consider kicking in $50. If not whatevs.
- cannonball19780
What i boils down to is: what is the AIGA offering?
And don't hand me that "its a community" crap when you are paying for membership. I want to know what people are buying for that $50.
- Some of it goes to chapters to develop local programingjtb26
- Other portions go to national events and initiatives.jtb26
- You also get sponsored benefits like discounts on health insurance, apple and adobe products, fedex etc.jtb26
- Plus, you know - supporting an organization that ensures a thriving design community :Pjtb26
- pffffft! hahaha that last one is goodOSFA
NY chapter... do it!
Any other chapter I've checked or experienced... Definitely not worth it!
- ********0
I can imagine QBN going to an AIGA party would go something like this...
- Miguex0
I never been a member, but I have done work for them in the past, I busted my ass for like 2 months non stop for free (no problem there, since I agree to do it) It was a pretty hard task to even get them to give me a free pass to the conference I did the work for, someone from the board that I knew had to pretty much tell them do it as a courtesy.
I'm sure every chapter is different, but I couldn't connect with anyone there, I felt completely out of place for some reason. So I never took an interest in joining.
In my experience, get free account on BEI-IANCE for freelance leads, and get a pro account on for learning.
If you want networking, organize something w the qbn peeps in your city, or reach out to local agencies once you get a solid portfolio, even if they don't have open positions.
- bainbridge0
The NY one has been around for a long time and gets some good speakers and events. BUT it's in NY, that's why.
That LA website looks like it's trying but not offering much. cities are sad:
- bainbridge0 makes it look like NYC is the only American city that takes design seriously.
- NYC and SF are kinda design hubs and also where most of the money is being spent, not to mention entertainmentmonospaced
- historically NYC is the ad center of the country, so it all makes sensemonospaced
- site looks shit tooalbums