Shit promo shots

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  • Miguex0

    on the positive side: the good thing about designers its that promo shots are completely unnecessary, the only thing that matters it's the actual work, so not a big deal really :)

  • orrinward2

    The incubator my company is part of told us they had arranged for all the companies in the incubator to have promo shots and footage taken.

    We got our promo photo back today and I thought I'd share it.

    I am in disbelief that they actually paid someone to do this!

    It's 2 individual shots poorly Photoshopped onto a stock image of our building at bizarre angles. What's odd is that the incubator outsourced shit photographer and video prod guys when our incubation space is mainly video production and photography companies that would do a much better job.

    The email we received from them:

    "We've put the content live for you to take a look at ( I'm sure you'll agree it looks fantastic, and that Michele has done a superb job with the photography."