World War Z
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- 30 Responses
- ETM0
Looks shite. Another 28 Days movie. Little to do with the books, just the fast zombies alone ruin it. I remember that Brad Pitt's prod company and Leo DeCaprio's prod company were fighting over the rights to this. Wonder what Leo would have done?
- sublocked0
WTF does this have to do with the book? Extremely disappointed.
- SchOzzZ0
It's a kind of second part of zombieland, but more serious.…
- ETM0
I've read the book. That is why I dislike the trailer. Have you read the book? And Zombieland? Huh?
- ETM0
This says it all:
In 2007, the movie rights for World War Z were secured by Brad Pitt's production company, Plan B Entertainment.[26] The screenplay was written by J. Michael Straczynski, with Marc Forster directing, and Pitt starring as the main character, United Nations employee Gerry Lane.[27][28] Despite being the draft that got the film green-lit, Straczynski's script was tossed aside, so that production, which was to begin at the start of 2009, was delayed while the script was completely re-written by Matthew Michael Carnahan to set the movie in the present, leaving behind much of the premise of the book to make it more of an action film. Filming finally commenced mid-2011.
- ETM0
Yeah, I guess you haven't read Max Brooks' books.
The Zombie Survival Guide has nothing to do with Zombieland. The Survival guide was written 100% serious with sound techniques to survive in a zombie-infested world. Other than the idea of zombies themselves, it's full plausible in it's techniques and strategies.World War Z was a follow up by the author, but not a second part or sequel. Again, it was written from a very real perspective and explored global social, military, economic and public responses if something like this would occur.
That trailer appears to show nothing but a CGI action flick, rather than something more deliberate and intelligent as the source material should have spawned.
- GeorgesII0
read the book, listened to the audiobook
and no fuckn where does it mention going to save the familly bullshit trope
fuck this shit
- ukit20
"Earlier this year, the December release date was tossed out the window...Prometheus writer Damon Lindelof was brought in to write a new ending for the venture."
oh noes...hahah...I'll probably still see it though
- mekk0
Wo reads books about zombies?
- GeorgesII0
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelofsay it three time in front of a mirror to ruin a movie.
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelofnooooo, prometheus..
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelofpooof,.... cowboy and alien
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindeloflost, getting lost
- Akagiyama0
The swarming CGI zombies are just rubbing me the wrong way. Maybe I'm spoiled after watching The Walking dead, and other movies where they're done well...this looks bad. I'm sure I'll see it, but the zombies look like a bug swarm from Starship Troopers.
- Peter0
How often does a movie live up to the/a book?
If you see it as just another action flick, with zombies, I'm sure it's at least download-worthy.
- the road wasn't bad, no bleak enough, the mist was good, even though they changed ending, that the only two I can think of right nowGeorgesII
- of right nowGeorgesII
- Fight Clubian
- Exactly. 1 in a 100. Or 1000.Peter
- The Road wasn't bleak enough? Haven't read the book, but as a parent, that movie was bleak enough for me!ETM
- i_monk0
I do not have high hopes for World War Zed, but it's interesting to see a big-budget blockbuster take on zombies.
- ukit20
Still waiting for 28 Months Later..
- animatedgif0
Looks shitty and trying way to hard to make me care about Pitts tiresome family.
- desmo0
Looks like I am Legend Starring Brad Pitt
- Al_dizzle0
Yeah it's not the book.
Bit of a scam to use the title to sell something so different.