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- 43 Responses
- LovelyPackage
Great packaging design, and great hot sauces from QBN'er bzsaw.
- moldero0
my want of the day
- HijoDMaite0
I've always loved your branding man!
- monospaced0
I remember seeing this awhile back on here, and it's still just as impressive. I'm with moldero on this: want.
- capn_ron0
YES!!! I still have 3 bottles in my pantry. This stuff is so good. Tim rules. Adoboloco for life.
- dragonfruit0
nice!!!!!!! i wish the level of heat of each sauce was clearer on the website. looks fantastic though.
- Its a work in progress. Thx for the tip I'll get on that today.bzsaw
- eficks0
One of the tastiest hot sauces I've ever had. Time to order more.
- Miguex0
I've tried to order a couple months ago and it said that they ran out.
I only cared about the bottle design, but to hear that the sauce is actually tasty too, makes me think I need to try to order again.
- bzsaw0
Thank you all for checking it out and the kind words... LovelyPackage thank you for the post.
I have some edits to do to the site. Have a great weekend!
- utopian0
- prophetone0
love me some hawt sauces
- sublocked0
Best hot sauce out! I need more.
- ********0
Sites looking great, nice work :-)
- dbloc0
love it...but 10 bucks for hot sauce is a little high.
- bzsaw0
@dbloc everything is still hand done by my wife and I. The sauce that cost $10 is a very limited batch. We were only able to grow enough peppers for 130 bottles of it. I also smoke all the peppers myself. It takes a lot of work to create something of this quality. This sauce is also highly concentrated so it will last longer than most unless you can handle that amount of heat frequently. Its very hot.
- moldero0
"adobo" are you or your wife filipino? whats the inspiration for the name?
- bzsaw0
@moldero this is how it all came together... I've been cooking Filipino style Adobo since I was 12…
- dbloc0
I like the website. clean and user friendly.
- ETM0
Ouch. Shipping is killer from Hawaii to Canada (understandable though). Does the free shipping on $60 count for international as well? Really want to give this a try.
- Sorry but it doesn't work out for free shipping. The cost for us is to high.bzsaw
- If you're in Vancouver BC, The Gourmet Warehouse carries all of them…bzsaw
- Totally understand. I'll order from the Vancouver spot. Cheers!ETM
- dbloc0
your shipping estimator doesn't seem to work, unless I'm missing something.