iPad to TV Monitor
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- 17 Responses
- CincodeMayo
I'm creating some slides in Illustrator then transferring them to an iPad and displaying on a 50" TV. For some reason, no matter how I export the Illy file (whether I'm using Save to Web or Export) the file doesn't display crisp. The type is always a bit fuzzy. Backgrounds look fine. I've tried outlining the fonts, optimizing the type, exporting on max...still looks the same. Anyone know how to fix this?
- monospaced0
What method are you using to get the slides onto the TV? If you're using an older Apple TV, then it's displaying at 720p, not 1080. The iPad/TV should technically display the artwork pixel-for-pixel. Also, make sure your slides are exactly 1920x1080 pixels.
- CincodeMayo0
I'm uploading the exported images to Dropbox, then saving directly onto the iPad. Just doubled checked, and slides are exactly 1920x1080 pixels.
- CincodeMayo0
iPad is connected to the TV via HDMI adapter, with HDMI cord running from there to the TV. I'm displaying the images on the TV using the Apple Photos app and running a slideshow from there.
- got me stumpedmonospaced
- Me too. Can't figure it out for the life of me.CincodeMayo
Convert the illustrator files into jpegs in pshop first?
- rodzilla0
ipad 1 2 or 3?
- letterhead0
It might have something to do with the iPad rendering the Dropbox file, I had this trouble once. Try another method of getting the images into the iPad, like email, saving images to an FTP, etc.
- CincodeMayo0
@rodzilla Using an iPad 2.
Just tried downloading from Dropbox via Safari and still having the same issue. Might give that app a try if nothing else works.
- monospaced0
Try exporting the slides as a nice multi-page PDF. Load it into iBooks (or any PDF viewer) on the iPad and see if that works.
- Can iBooks do slideshows like the Photos app can?CincodeMayo
- I don't think so.monospaced
- CincodeMayo0
In case anyone wants to know, saving for web as a PNG instead of a JPEG was MUCH clearer. Larger file size, but quality is pretty good.
- monospaced0
Are you saying this was all a result of JPEG compression?
- CincodeMayo0
@monospaced Seems like it. The JPEG looked ok, but there was noticeable fuzz around the type. PNG eliminates the fuzz at the cost of a file a bit larger.
- monospaced0
"For some reason, no matter how I export the Illy file (whether I'm using Save to Web or Export) the file doesn't display crisp."
So really, you never tried a vector format at all. That's misleading; I think we all assumed you were working with something decent, but then you blamed the iPad for making the type fuzzy. Glad you got it worked out. I still think a PDF with vector type will look better
- Sorry bout that...we had tried a PNG originally and it wasn't right either. Made a number of tweaks though so I guess we figured it out. Had issues with PDF but yes, in theory it should look better.CincodeMayo
- figured it out. Agreed...PDF would be ideal but had issues with that and Photos.CincodeMayo
- d_rek0
Was there a good reason you chose not to use keynote? Just curious.
Could have composed your entire slideshow in that and it would have displayed beautifully.
- ********0
^ +1
- CincodeMayo0
@monospaced Tried a number of files originally and didn't notice a different with PNG. But we switched from USB to HDMi...who knows maybe that was it.
Keynote is a good idea...I'm using a company iPad and it doesn't have it on there, but I'll suggest it.
Thanks all.
- sidanderson0
Hey you have ipad and You need ipad apps or iphone apps then click here.. http://www.mobileappsgallery.com…
- animatedgif0
fuzzy in what way?
Compression marks, too much antialias or aliased edges?
- Text was fuzzy when exported as JPEG. Exporting as PNG did the trick.CincodeMayo