portfolio etiquette question
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- 9 Responses
- johnny_wobble
Say you do concept work, photoshop mock-ups in particular, and want to show this in your portfolio. Somebody else does the final work, as in they take your concept and go shoot it. Would it be appropriate to show your concept next to the final? How would you word the bit about the final being done by somebody else?
- PonyBoy0
Yes... share your concept work... then share the photography...
... this is called 'Art Direction' :)
- PonyBoy0
or... just share the final and call it your own... and credit the photographer
- johnny_wobble0
I don't think claiming the final is the right way to go, as others worked on the final layout and actually directing the photographer, I just came up with the concept and handed it over.
- PonyBoy0
bump the thread in the morning when QBN is alive... I'm sure the majority will agree... you're the AD... claim the AD in your folio.
- zarkonite0
If your work won an award, your CD would claim it for his own.
- matski0
Use the final piece of work in your folio and credit your role as 'conception by you'. Simple.
As an AD you should really know this.
- johnny_wobble0
so consensus says to show the final, cool. but if you were looking at the folio, would you rather just see the final or the concept next to it?
- I always like seeing the work as a case study like http://www.f-i.com/b…voiceof
- cannonball19780
Think of project credit as a land grab. Take as much of it as you can and defend to the death.
- jtb260
I agree with Voiceof, presenting as a casestudy makes most sense. I'm always more interested to hear a story than to just look at pictures.