Machform Form Builder 3

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  • dibec0

    I concur. MachForms hands down is one of the best manageable form entry/storage programs. Though V3 does not offer anything really needed for us, still a great investment for all data acquisition. Total +1

  • prophetone

    This is not a spam psa... I'm not going to get a free coupon out of this or a brownie badge, just a friendly shout about an html/db form builder I've come to trust and use quite a bit and may help some of you devs who haven't seen it before. I've installed and hacked this thing many times across several sites and it's always solid.

    I just noticed it has released a pretty major upgrade that now supports multi page forms, Paypal integration and a drag and drop builder.

    And the best part is it's supported relentlessly the dev - Yuniar who's based in Indonesia who is always answering inquiries on the forums and offering help, which is unheard of with some other apps out there.

    I'm just checking it out now but I can see the Paypal thing being a worthy reason to upgrade in certain cases for me...