Best Graphic Designers
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- Last post
- 32 Responses
- Kiko
Hey All,
Im looking for portfolios of great graphic designers, or agencies ( interactive or print ).
Please post here :)
- JG_LB0
|3rett |3ash holy shitidentity
- BB has to be an elaborate spoof. I just can't fathom how this guy could be real
Gnash - he's real, I follow him on Facebookmonospaced
- this is heavy shit********
- that guy is stuck somewh between v3 & v5.2a-archive.compopovich
- Can't get the music out my head. DUH DUH DUH DA DUN DUNN DUNNbiusness
- fadein110
is this a graphic design site?
- ********0
I3rett I3ash
- Jimbo820
I3rett I3ash
- ********0
- monospaced0
Are you hiring?
- its for a startup, and they are looking for designers, so yesKiko
- monospaced0
Anyway, here's a link to a really good graphic designer. He likes to use handwriting and paper cut outs sometimes, but don't worry, mostly he does a good job.
- he made that logo for Ford, that was never used. I wonder why...********
- yeah, he "mostly" does a good job. oh well ;)monospaced
- he made that logo for Ford, that was never used. I wonder why...
- monospaced0
I've also heard some good things about this David guy. He used to be a surfer, he has no formal training, but people seem to like his style. I heard a rumor he killed print, but who knows, right?
- Jimbo820
Sexy book jackets by David Pearson
- ukit20
Looks like this guy just updated his portfolio
- monospaced0
Yeah, I know his site is old school, and his interactive skills might not be up to par, but Massimo is a good guy. Talk slowly though, his English isn't perfect. I heard he's really cheap though.
- Kiko0
I should have known that I was going to get some sort of sarcastic response from QBN.
- Jimbo820
Just checked out I3rett I3ash's portfolio, he's got some nice new work in there...
- monospaced0
Sarcastic? These are portfolios of some of the greatest designers and agencies in history. If you're looking to hire, then start a thread about that maybe.
- akrok0
london based?
- WeLoveNoise0…
The peeps i like
- utopian0
I3rett I3ash