JS Bookmarklets
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- 9 Responses
- orrinward2
I'm looking for web services that use Javascript Bookmarklets in addition to, or as an alternative to, browser plugins.
http://delicious.com/help/bookma…I found this article which lists some good ones:
http://www.lifehack.org/articles…But wondering if there are any really nice examples that I may have missed.
I'm more interested in bookmarklets that add and enhance functionality of a product or website, rather than just ones for fun (such as SneakyGCR Goggles and Asteroids)
- zaq0
- zaq0
javascript:(function(){function I(u){var t=u.split('.'),e=t[t.length-1].t... {gif:1,jpg:1,jpeg:1,png:1,mng:1... hE(s){return s.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/"/g,'"');}var q,h,i,z=open().document;z.write('<p>Images linked to by '+hE(location.href)+':</p><hr>');for(i=0;q=document.links[i];++i){h=q.href;if(h&&I(h))z.write('<p>'+q.innerHTML+' ('+hE(h)+')<br><img src="'+hE(h)+'">');}z.close();})()
- linked images on page
zaq - WOW!!!!********
- that code does not work********
- The Qoob cuts it down.orrinward2
- linked images on page
- zaq0
- zaq0
- fugged0
- Wow... This one is pretty interesting in what it can achieve.orrinward2
- zaq0
you can find linked images bookmarklet here https://www.squarefree.com/bookm…