Refurbished macs
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- 30 Responses
- Stugoo
Anyone using one or have used?
looking for any reported issues or things to watch out for.Stu
- moniker0
I've only ever bought refurbished.
No issues ever.
go for it.
- moniker0
Think of it like free upgrades though rather than a way to save what you would have paid retail.
So instead of getting an entry level iMac for $1200 you get the Mid level iMac for the same price. Sure you could still get the entry level iMac for $999 but you'll be happier with the faster machine.- I know you didn't ask this.moniker
- it's exactly the right thing to do thoughmonospaced
- monospaced0
I've purchased 3 refurbished Macs in the last 15 years. All of them still running. Watch out for getting more RAM than you paid for (happened twice to me) and a great deal. Later.
- Stugoo0
nice, im like 90% sold on it now...
- Most of the time they're better than new because they've been "double-checked." No reason not to be 100%.monospaced
- d_rek0
The previous studio I worked for used all refurbed Macs and we never had issues. I work on a refurbed iMac right now without issue.
Only suckers buy that shit at full price.
- sebz0
bought a refurbished iMac and got twice RAM and twice HD :)
no issues. best deal ever.
- toodee0
Do they do student discount on refurbs?
- cizo0
Me too. Only ever but refurbished. It's like a car, why buy brand new?
- k_temp0
I got a iMac 27" refurbished from last year. Pretty neat, no scrateches, no problem whatsoever; however, buy the AppleCare just in case.
I saved about $300 off the original.
- i_monk0
I have a refurbished MBP at home. It's dying now but I've had it since 2007, running almost nonstop. I've had to replace the battery and charger once, and there's a short line of pixels on the screen that seem wonky (but not dead), otherwise it's been great for what I needed.
- moniker0
If you can swing it, pay the extra for an SSD because you can't put one in on your own afterwards.
Well you can but you need a suction cup and special hex screwdrivers etc.
- ********0
Utterly reliable and trustworthy in my experience. Do it.
- vaxorcist0
I see computers like cars, anyone who pays sticker price is either really, really needing brand new model, or they're getting ripped off...
I've used refurb computers and cameras (nikon D7000, saved $200) for years, no issues yet..... I spend the extra on things like RAM and bigger monitors and SSD hard drives, things that multiply my productivity more than a slightly shinier case....
- Miguex0
No offense Stuggo, but whenever I hear people wondering about refurbished stuff with fear, makes me a bit uncomfortable..
In my experience, the 2 times I bought a brand new apple product it came with defects, first one the hinge of my wallstreet g3 wouldn't close properly all the way, it stayed open on one side and it was annoying, SPECIALLY since I pay the full price.
The Second one was with one of the first powerbooks, it came with 2 dead pixels, Again it sucks and apple's policy is not do do anything unless you have like 7 pixels.
I have bought everything I can refurbished since then, from projectors to dslr cameras. I always check if I can find a refurbished version from the manufacturer before I buy new, and it's not even about the price anymore, it's about feeling more secure that what I buy will work better than what is expected from a brand new product.
In my opinion, a brand new product comes from factory to you, un-opened. A refurbished product has an extra level of quality control, and it has been corrected TO MATCH BRAND NEW PRODUCT QUALITY STANDARDS, but its charged less because it's not factory sealed.
Refurbished products, should in all cases, be elegible for manufacturer's warranty, so there's really NOTHING to fear about.
I would be more concerned about buying factory sealed...
- quite true.
Apple has warranty for refurbished items, as far as i rememberk_temp - amenmonospaced
- quite true.
- fourth0
what miguex said...
but I bought my macbook pro new right when they came out because it would've been another few months before the refurb quad cores hit the refurb store :/
- ********-1
best way to get a good product cheaper than market
- raf0
Apple operates in fashion industry mode: seasonal trends, iPod colours and collections, fashion gala shows with press and flashes, etc.
Just as in fashion industry, you can buy current collection stuff right away or discounted three months later.I must have bought about 10 refurbished items over the years. Only one of them, a MB Pro had signs of use. Not that there was anything wrong with it though, it just didn't look factory new.
All other equipment looked and smelled 100% new.My next MacBook will be a refurb, if you ask. Oh, and don't buy Apple Care from Apple, you can get it cheaper on Amazon (beware eBay though).
- Stugoo0
Some solid points regarding the refurb quality control. This is my first actual apple product (besides like gen2 ipod 6 years ago) I used to work on the line builiding desktops, towers and laptops (summer holidays) and know fine well about the 'level' of quality that is adhered to.
With that being said, the reason I ask is completley in line with the cost of apple products.
Cheers again for the feedback I'm going to put the order for one in today.
- dconstrukt0
funny i had similar experiences... my current macbook pro is from july 2008.... still running, but has a new logic board, 3rd battery, new fan... new dvd drive.... all these fucking things had issues in 3 years.
my previous 2 were refurbs.... and never had ANY issues.
next one might be a refub (i want a 500 gig ssd!!!)
- You do realize Apple packs slow, overpriced 3G SSD into macbooks when they're ready for 2x faster 6G?raf
- sheet mang... had no idea! so what do u suggest?dconstrukt
- depends, you work per hour. get some slow fucking HD instead. lol.akrok
- 500 gb ssd will be pricy. 120GB are not so bad in price at the moment. check macsales.comakrok