SEO Question
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- i_monk0
How did you end up with a client who is a meta description for their own listing on Google Local?
- trooperbill0
need to see it to diagnose
- ********0
If it's a caching error, wow, not sure, is it your own server settings man? Again, you should be able to control that. So, the SERP is showing the wrong description. Dunno, you have full control of the metatag on the actual page and in the local listings. Sitemap isn't working? Contact Google, as you have.
I know, that's not helping matters, sorry.
- nosaj0
The problem isn't with the Local Page itself, but with the how the result is displayed on a Google results page. Local listing often show the description under the page title, similar to an organic result. They both use the meta-description from the homepage, but seem to cache it differently. Fixing the meta-description and resubmitting the sitemap.xml file with Webmaster tools will quickly recache the description for the organic listing, but not the description for the local listing.
Here's an example of what I mean:
ABC Plumbing Limited
(Wrong Description) ABC plumbing contractors, ABC Plumbing Limited Toronto provides plumber plumbing ...
10 Google Reviews
- trooperbill0
theres a trick you can sometimes use po boxes as the po box will often get the parcel even if the written address is different.
i maxed out 3 payg mobiles auuthenticating places listings at the last placed i work lol.
- ha! good to know, unfortunately, I work at this super center where they have 15 fucking locations. clusterfuck accounting********
- ha! good to know, unfortunately, I work at this super center where they have 15 fucking locations. clusterfuck accounting
- ********0
If it's not owned by them, you are going to have to request a PIN, via postcard (snail mail) or cell phone text, but you have to have that phone registered under the account, so chances are that would be a pain in the ass. I do it a lot with 15 locations of a client. MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS!
- in order to claim ownership of a fraudulent entry by someone else.********
- in order to claim ownership of a fraudulent entry by someone else.
- ********0
Ohhh my bad, Google Local.
Yes. trooperbill is correct, they shouldn't be appearing there. Look, you have to control that within Google Places account as well. You might have placed some bad content there long ago, you edit that location, you can easily edit the description.
- Local Results (not local listing) show the meta-description from the website. Seems to cache differently.nosaj
- trooperbill0
Meta descriptions dont appear on Google local?
my advice would be to PING the page using something like or build ome links to the new content... the key is to get the page reindexed...
you could also link to the offending page from the home page?
if it IS a real google places listing then loginto their account and make the change there.
- yep********
- Not on the Local account but the local listing on a results page. The local results listing use the website meta description but seem to cache it differentlynosaj
- yep
- ********0
you can report it as a problem, but the smart thing to do is use a Sitemap file in your root directory.
and that should tell Googlebot that you've updated this. Not sure if you can ping Googlebot on this level.
There are plenty of free sitemap.xml makers out there.
- within Google Webmaster account, if you have that up and running.********
- within Google Webmaster account, if you have that up and running.
- nosaj
I have a client who's meta description for their Google Local listing on a SERP is incorrect. It has pulled it in from a very old (several months old) meta description tag on their sites homepage.
Anyone have tips on getting this re-cached by Google? I've reported it as a problem.