Calling Apple Nerds
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- 18 Responses
- ARTsamurai0
Get the 3.1 and buy more RAM. #threadclosed.
- seeessess0
£1,558 is less than £1,649, so the £1,558 is better value.
- You take one good photo at a train station and you think you can be a wiseguy with anyone on here! ;-)HAYZ1LLLA
- ;o) Ram is as cheap as chips. Just got 8gb for my iMac thingy for £35 delivered!seeessess
- where at mate?HAYZ1LLLA
- Hombre_Lobo0
Do what seessess said, apple charge ridiculous money for extra stuff like ram. Get a nice 3.1 quad core 8gb ram :)
^ Price isn't the same as Value.
- e-pill0
i would go for a dominating quadcore.. you can always add new ram.. but changing the others not so easy or cheap.. ram prices fluctuate and you can always find a great deal.. so in the future as your projects get more intense.. well wouldnt you rather have a beast that can do it up over the other that may crash and burn.. or take its time..
oh yes speed and power.. do you work in 3D??
- Yolo0
always buy ram somewhere else, don't upgrade on apple site. I got mine here
you prob won't notice the difference with those machine for print and digital work, get the cheaper one with 4gb ram and more ram elsewhere
Na no 3D. But I think I'm gonna get the 3.1Ghz then and get some Ram from Crucial like seeesses suggested. Thanks all!
- e-pill0
think about it like this.. any update you purchase is a better value than what you have.. and RAM is cheap.. it always has been.. you need to research it.. dont buy RAM from apple, they charge you double usually..
the new iMacs are great. and the larger screens are amazing!!
- ahli0
as the guys said get the iMac with top processor, minimum RAM, and max graphics card.
you then have two available upgrades:
- upgrade the RAM to 16gb through Crucial
- add an SSD
- animatedgif0
You can upgrade the ram at a later date, you can't upgrade the processor.
I'd go with 2 unless 1 with 4gig is significantly cheaper
- autoflavour0
always processor over peripherals..
you can add ram, change drives.. but processors, you are stuck with
- albums0
Apple to Launch 2880x1800 Resolution 'Retina Display' MacBook Pro in Q2 2012?
- ********0
i would go with option 1
- moniker0
I maxed out the ram in my iMac for $80.
Go with the faster processor.
- ********0
Go with #2. You're paying an extra 150 for 2GB of RAM with a faster computer, which seems decent~. I don't know what the maximum expandability on the RAM is, but you should keep that in mind and find out if they're giving you 2GB+2GB or a solid 4GB.
- ********0
^ yes, Apple just wants to make you believe that you MUST buy everything from them. When in reality, you can insert a variety of components into those things. I've seen hybrids in action and they work just dandy. Fucking Steve Jobs, yo.
- inhaler970
I have the 3.1 ghz. Love it. Totally happy. do it. Get ram later and you won't be upset.