car go problem

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  • 1 Response
  • CygnusZero4

    I sent a question to car go about this problem I'm having, but I know they sometimes take a while to respond and I know some here use car go.

    I'm setting up a site for a friend, and set up a custom URL, which is working, it's now pointing to the car go site.

    But, now this persons email is not working, and I cant log into their FTP account.

    I changed 3 things (A Records) in the domain account to point it to the car go site.

    www -- 7200 -- (car go's ip)
    @ (None) -- 7200 --
    * (All Others) -- 7200 --

    I called up the hosting company and have an IP address to use in the a records. Am I supposed to change one of those?

  • orrinward0

    I apologise that I'm replying despite not being able to help. Saw the thread title and genuinely thought it was going to be some chinese spammer.

    'Car go problem? Buy NikeFreeRuns and run, no car needed! Want car, you buy car from

    • 1. Apologizes for replying.
      2. Clicks reply.