Complex Documentation Help

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  • visual_infection

    So as the Interactive Designer at my company I have been put on a project to create a series of documents for the integration and customization of CRM software.

    These documents are like wire frames in that we have split the users into 4 different groups and are documenting and prototyping how the user theoretically would interact with the product. Each round of these include screen shots from the actual product combined with flow charts to show how the users are getting things done in the software.

    I have been using Vizio, and I tried Omnigraffle, but they both seem a bit clumsy and hard to manage. For example, if I have to add a new section to the documentation, say in the middle of the document, I have to then go and change every page title and every tab in vizio to match the new numbering system.

    Is there software or another process that will help me keep this project more organized and speed up my work flow?


  • meffid0