Transparent Image Print
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- microkorg
Such a print newbie me! haha!
OK, it's mostly web stuff we do so forgive my stupidity in the realms of print.
I'm doing some wee print jobs for a client.
The piece is designed in illustrator.
The background of the page is a solid colour.
I want to place an image over this background.
The image is of (for example) a Tree so it has gaps inbetween leafs and branches etc.
When I place this on my page I want the background to come through the "Holes" (transparent areas) in the image.Doing this with a mask in illustrator is just a NO.
The illustration is too complex.
In Photoshop i've got it as a layer with transparent areas.What filetype do I save the image as?
Can PNGs be used OK for print?
Or do printers and PNGs not get on?
- detritus0
All you need to know, I think, is that white doesn't print, unless you specifically instruct yoru printer to print white.
If this is a technical 'how-to' question, perhaps you could submit a photo of the forground tree image, or at least an analogue.
- microkorg0
The gaps in the image/illustration are tiny so im going to drop in the background into the illustration but then use a tight mask around the perimeter of the image when I import it into illustrator.
So that it looks like the background showing through when in fact its in the image.
place the .psd