mobile web help - image zoom

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  • d_rek

    Good monday to everyone!

    I'm looking for some specific direction/pointers in regards to a mobile website i'm developing.

    I've got the basics of the mobile site underfoot but what I'd like to do is add some basic interactivity to what is essentially a very basic website styled with css.

    What I would like to do:
    -use server side script to generate thumbnails proportional to viewport
    -Add a basic zoom function to images on site so that when you select/click the image it allows the user to pan/zoom the image. A second click would close the image.
    -I would like the function to be cross-compatible on iOS/Android.
    -Can be native functionality for device or using 3rd party, such as jQuery mobile

    I've been scouring the internet for an appropriate template/demo/etc and have found a few things of note. However, I thought i'd ask here to see if the Q-mmunity didn't know of something which isn't readily-available through google.

    Thanks in advance!