Adding Content w/ jquery + cms

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  • pastpastdue

    Hello, readers.

    I am looking for a nice little jquery plugin and/or advice on how to tackle this here problem:

    I am looking to add content using Expression Engine to a list... when you mouseover the list items, it loads thumbnails of the items that you mouseover in a separate ul as list items. I found a great plugin that did exactly what I wanted in regarding to adding to the ul, but can't seem to find it again.

    I don't think adding this content with the .append functionality is the best way to go about it. Kind of braindead right now and trying to figure out the best way to tackle this... Should I have all the divs created and mouseover turn visibility on? I feel like this is a better solution than having the CMS spitting out new code for each .append function.

    List on right, thumbs on left. Div would be empty on load and then shit would fill up as you mouseover things.

  • adev0

    By just changing visibility the ordering of the things on the right will appear to change depending on what you mouse over. If you created/added the content, the thumbs would always be in the order you moused over (but if the lists of items always need to match would appear odd).

    But then, this is assuming each thumb is floating left/right to fill the space and not forced into a certain spot.

    • You nailed it. Just trying to figure out the best way to go about appending, I guess.pastpastdue
  • pastpastdue0
