lcd,led, or plasma

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  • Boz0

    lol..that's not true at all.. it takes hours to get any kind of image retention and it usually dissipates very quickly.

    I game on 2 plasmas in my house and never had a image retention problem.. unless I fall asleep and have the display on for a long time on a stuck image. Which never and is easily fixed by WIPE functionality most new plasmas have today.

    Plasma is still very much relevant.. all major players still produce them from Panasonic to Samsung..

    It's on it's way out, just like LCDs are on it's way out because of LEDs.

    LCD we have now is not a better technology than plasma.. LED is what will replace both but it's super pricey still.

    I would never buy an LCD TV due to numerous issues I've posted above. Plasma still rules in the price and image quality class.

    • and burn in has been gone since like 2006-2007.Boz