Non-Profit to help pay Student Debt

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  • 37 Responses
  • tredesigns0


  • tredesigns0

    I'm totally for working for a free education. Like community service for college.

    • uh, that's the same as working and paying with money.scarabin
    • you're trading work for education, that's how it's always been. or you just want to work LESS?scarabin
    • sometimes jobs are rare for those getting a ed. over/under qualified and scheduling. I think being of service to your community for ed. aid is a good id. when i was in school work the number of workstudy jobs were low.tredesigns
    • so find a part time job that helps your community.scarabin
  • ukit0


    I don't think you realize how different the cost of an education is here vs in many other countries. It's not some crazy idea that you could make tuition costs more affordable.

    Imagine if we had a system that wasn't entirely free, but where getting into the best school was based entirely on merit. That's more or less what China does now.

    • you want the best, you pay for the best. you want near-free education, that's what a community college is. go there.scarabin
    • this shit is already in placescarabin
    • I know this shit is in place, I'm offering a better fucking alternativeukit
    • the pay motive only works for labor jobs not creative. more moey deosn;t make you more creative.
    • scholarships & grants = free education based on meritscarabin
    • its limited there are only somemany scholarships and grants to go around.tredesigns
    • such is lifescarabin
  • scarabin0

    lazy fuckin' hipsters.

  • seed0

    I took out some student loans to pay for school and living expenses at the time. I had confidence that I would be earning a good living in the future and that I would rather pay later when I was making 10x more per hour than I would've then. That all worked out. Plus the interest rate is like 2%. I went to a state school though so it wasn't that expensive.

  • benfal990

    Live in your mom's basement for a couple years and pay that loan, ffs.

  • akrok0

    the day i can say, i am debt free. that's a good day. :-)

  • lukus_W0

    Everyone should have equality in terms of access to education. The loans companies will claim that this is their aim.

    Even so, I think that there's still an unfair imbalance, and it's pretty straightforward.

    People from privileged backgrounds get to graduate without debt; and people who graduate with cripplingly large debts, have a very hard time paying it off.

    As an outsider, the way that US has industrialised education and healthcare, seems shocking. When a system is supported either by vast sums of borrowed money (education) or money supplied by insurance (healthcare), value for money is bound to go out the window. Greed takes over.

    I don't think that you should be trying to pay off students' debts - I think you should be trying to challenge the system.

    • this is hippy nonsense. of course people with money have it easy, this is nothing new, and not limited to educationscarabin
    • what you're really pissed off about here is that rich people are better off than youscarabin
  • scarabin0

    people DO have equal access in terms of education. anyone can go to their local community college and get a college education for next to nothing. in california it's only $20 a unit.

    don't get angry because you can't afford a fancy private school. it's a privilege, not a right.

    • want something better than community college? do the work and get grants and scholarships.scarabin
    • having a hard time getting a job right away? get your loan deferred.scarabin
    • got a job but still struggling? have your loans consolidated by one of the million services that are around to helpscarabin
    • every single thing you guys have asked for in this thread except for "pay it off for me" already exists. this is just lazinessscarabin
  • scarabin0
    • that help = extending the life of the loan and/or higher interest.tredesigns
    • yeah well you knew that when you signed upscarabin
    • and miraculously you were totally fine with it before you realized that you're responsible nowscarabin
  • lukus_W0

    I'm not annoyed about other people's wealth, we live in a capitalist society - it's the way it is. However, I do think that there are some things that should be available to all; free access to education is one such thing.

    People who want to work hard to create a better future for themselves should be able to do so, regardless of their financial situation.

    Capitalism isn't a good equaliser.

    The only way the gap between the privileged and the poor can be reduced is through improved access to the _best_ education establishments in any country.

    On one level, it seems that the university system has been commercialised to such a point, that - rather than reduce the poverty gap - it's actually reaffirming it. I'm sure a lot of people graduate with huge unmanageable debts, having received a poor level of education / degree which means little in the real world. On another level the university system is a huge money-making industry.

    The education provided by a local community college isn't going to be equal to the education provided by an Ivy League university. When the best education is reserved for those who have the most money, society becomes even more polarised.

    'It's a privilege not a right' is a misnomer; people who are born into wealth aren't necessarily granted anything based on their intellectual merit or work ethic. They're privileged through luck.

    I believe everyone should have the right to a decent level of education.

    • you're not working hard to create a better future though, you're asking for handouts to create a better futurescarabin
    • I'm not asking for handouts .. I'm stating that the way things are isn't the way things necessarily need to be.lukus_W
    • and privelege never had anything to do with merit. you want to get by on merit you get a scholarship. ivy league schools are owned privately. you aren't born with a right to even step through its doors.scarabin
    • Maybe the system could be improved? ... maybe the system has flaws?lukus_W
    • are owned privately. you aren't born with a right to even step through its doors. what makes you think you are?scarabin
    • my mazda isn't the same level of driving a lexus is, but i'm not asking for a free carscarabin
    • Perhaps there are some things which are too important - for the good of society - to sell to the highest bidder.lukus_W
    • Free-market economics aren't a good solution to some problems.lukus_W
    • you don't NEED an education to be successful in life. you WANT an education. a degree is not water. it's champagne.scarabin
  • lukus_W0

    Perhaps education should be paid via a graduate tax?

  • jetSkii0

    There are people out there who believe that we should get rid of all debt since all of it is just accumulative interests. This money given by people who didn't even have the money, as the money never existed but on paper. Thats why this country is owned by criminals.

    • a global chapter 13 would lead to world peace and free the slaves. USjetSkii
    • so don't play the gamescarabin
    • quit using your credit cards. stop taking loans. stop using banks.scarabin
  • tredesigns0

    Maybe ed. loans should issued by the gov. And you pay the loan back thru higher income tax rates after you graduate. the money that is repaid goes back into the pot to help the next gen.

    • .. watch out, you'll be labelled a socialist / communist ;)lukus_W
    • all federal loans ARE paid by the gov. and if you don't pay them back, they take it from your check just like you suggestscarabin
    • you guys just keep suggesting shit that's already aroundscarabin
  • ukit0

    No one's asking for a hand out, I went to a school I was happy with, got an academic scholarship and didn't even take out any loans. And I hate hippies BTW:)

    I'm just wondering if this system where you pay more for a better degree isn't a stupid idea in the first place. I know a lot of people have it drilled into their head that "that's the way it is," but why? I get the whole "self reliance" thing, congratulations, but I don't see any particular reason why it should apply to the cost of higher education, but not primary education. It's an arbitrary distinction that is just there because...that's the way we've been doing it.

    So for me it comes down to the practical effects. Does having a tiered system where one guy pays $3k and gets the community college degree, and another pays $50k and gets the Ivy League degree, when they could both be equally smart, really produce a better country at the end of the day. My guess would be no, while some people do rise to the top on their own, it gets harder and harder with all the dumb ass, talentless people who were born into wealth standing in their way. Plus when you have a system where the average student graduates with 20k in debt, there's no way that can be viewed as efficient.

    • you mean you've never heard of private elementary schools?scarabin
  • ukit0

    Especially when the U.S. is falling behind other countries where the cost of education is more affordable...the argument that our way of doing things is the only possible option ends up sounding pretty weak.

    • according to this we're not that different…scarabin
    • i'm not arguing that it's the only conceivable way of doing things, i'm saying don't take a student loan and then think you deserve to have someone else pay it offscarabin
    • to have someone else pay it off.scarabin
    • neither does anyone have a right to private services, including education. also, that there are already systems in place to help youscarabin
    • with student loans and extremely affordable state-provided education.scarabin
    • alos, grants, scholarships, federal loans, etc. i started with nothing and already have paid all of mine offscarabin
    • $40,000. if i can do it anyone can. this thread is just a bunch of exaggerated self-entitlementscarabin
    • and myopic altruismscarabin
  • TenaciousG0

    Education for all is not the panacea that some people would like it to be. The loss of manufacturing and general labor jobs contributes to falling living standards much more than lack of education does. On the other hand, the cost of education is a clear barrier to those who do have the talent but not the financial means to make good use of a university degree.

    It is a sad reality of economics that there must always be a bottom to the curve. The choice we have is how many people must be there. Perhaps a wide-sweeping amnesty of loans might not be the answer, but the US can do better.