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- Bam
..or not?ā¦
since i'm a fan of Joaquin Phoenix, i must say i look forward to this. and i'm also very curious for the direction of Casey Affleck.
BUT, i don't know what to think of this. is it a work of genius or just a documentary of a total bum. is Joaquin faking it or not? i saw him in the media a couple of times so i tend to believe it.
what you think?
- Ambushstudio0
- nbq0
I like the typography.
- BaskerviIle0
I was under the impression that it was widely thought of as a mockumentary. What cool is that we all saw the weird appearances on talk shows etc, now we get to see what it was all for.
I think it looks interesting in the way it has already played with celebrity culture and blurred the lines between what the media report etc- yes...but really in the end its just a big publicity stunt anyway********
- yes...but really in the end its just a big publicity stunt anyway
- TheBlueOne0
Here, watch me not give a shit.
- *watches, contemplatesukit
- *ponders, then wonders, then ponders againTheBlueOne
- ********0
Joaquin Phoenix need to stay off the drugs and get his head back together, looks like an honest film.
- ********0
I'd definitely see it. Anything with Joaquin Pheonix, even if he is hairy & swollen. *prrr*
- i_monk0
You on I'M STILL HERE: He fake! He asshole!
You on BORAT: He real! He soooo funnneeeee!
- ukit0
Oh man P Diddy is such a badass!!
- Douglas0
i didn't know enough people cared about him as an actor in the past for him to pull off this mockumentary hipster-ish bio. seems his act, or maybe legitimate craziness, over the past couple years has really drummed up attention though. personally, it doesn't look very interesting, or "genius" to say the least.
- mg330
- inkpink0
"... and sets off to reinvent himself as a hip hop musician."
ha - that's funny - I had no idea.
- 74LEO0
Isnt this going direct to VHS?
- ********0
What other movies has this person done?
- akrok0
i think it will raise more question and no answers. :-)
- ********0
Looks like it might be worth a watch.
- robotron3k0
can't wait to see it on netflix!
- eighteen0
surprised nobody has shared this yet: