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- 20 Responses
- georgesIII0
I'm back
fuck it tonight I'm going to bed at 8'
didn't sleep for nothing
- lambsy0
^ dip your nuts in warm chamomile tea ~while~ fapping.
= instant lights out
- bhahahahahaahahahaha...Miguex
- lolllllllMilan
- I did not know this.flashbender
- ukit0
- if you can't sleep, no point in laying there. better to get up and do something than lay there miserably.pastpastdue
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- is this anniston?
what a nightmare,
brb gotta jump off a building :)georgesIII
- is this anniston?
- georgesIII0
I'm usually fine with my 6 hours of sleep,
but tonight is pretty weird, I just can't go back to it,
I'll go make myself a tisane, probably fall asleep around 6 and wake up at 12am late for work, ehheheh
- akrok0
lavender - is relaxing. makes you relax, meaning goto sleep easier.
- ukit0
- __TM0
- georgesIII0
I started well though,
went to bed around midnight, woke up around 2'30 and have been thinking for almost 3 hours about a good way to go back to bed.
- ********0
Jump off a building.
- inteliboy0
stay off the caffeine after lunch.
exercise. blah blah the obvious stuff seems to help.
but yeh it sux.I try play out a film scene in my head, made up, so my mind drifts off (not think about inane crap). Works most of the time.
- blogger0
I think there's some sort of natural sleeping pills, just don't make it a habit. Counting backwards works for me.
- BusterBoy0
have a toss...
- ukit0
Punch yourself in the face really hard
- but it hurts.
should I try a camomille before ehhegeorgesIII - ...knocking yourself unconsciousukit
- but it hurts.
- georgesIII
can't sleep,
anyone got a trick to beat insomnia,
I usually go to bed around 3am but tonight is really bad and I need to wake up in less than 2 hours for work...