Zoo York for Harold Hunter
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- instrmntl0
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Is this the same guy who OD on Cocaine?
- Miguex0
found this on youtube
"The beat from the Meth/Ghost Wake Up Show Freestyle is the instrumental from Black Moon's "Gotcha Opin" Remix on "Enta Da Stage", which is a sample from the Barry White song "Playing Your Game, Baby"."
- mg330
I saw him skate at a demo once near Ft. Worth, TX. Chatted with him a bit. It was this weird open demo thing where pro skaters were just skating alongside everyone else at the park. Someone else from Zoo York tried to teach me how to do a hardflip.
The funniest damn thing was that he got out of a van with nothing but these rigid and stiff skate jeans on - no boxers, no t-shirt, only these jeans that could stand up by themselves like they had 10 cans of starch on them. And skate shoes. And he skated like a bad ass and those pants never once fell totally off his ass. All these kids kept looking at him like he had just arrived from the moon - no underwear, no shirt, just stiff ass denim long before it was in style. Hilarious time.
- instrmntl0
bump for mg33/my side question
- instrmntl0
i made a harold stencil when he died, i should find it
- necromation0
- fredddddd0