Time Machine Wireless Network Backup

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  • jayoh

    I have a Mac Pro with a Firewire 1TB drive I use for my Time Machine backup. I am getting a MacBook Pro and an Airport Xtreme Basestation to network the notebook with the desktop.

    Is it simple to use this wireless network drive with Time Machine to backup on the MacBook?

  • fyoucher10

    I had a very setup but stopped and switched to wired for TM backup. I was using Time Machine and backing up my MBP to a NAS 1 TB drive through the Airport. A wireless network backup with Time Machine just worked like crap. It was disconnecting often and Time Machine just kept getting stuck on "Preparing to backup...". It wasn't backing up half the time. A lot of folks ran into this same problem too.

    I ended up just getting a new external hard drive that uses Firewire for backup...

  • jayoh0

    I thought the reality might be different from the theory.

    My other thought was just spend a few extra bucks on a Time Capsule instead of buying the Airport Xtreme Basestation.

    • I heard they still have the same issues ... the problem is that the drive has to mount automatically all the timefyoucher1
    • and there is no audio export on the time machine. bother!redrum