Dynamic PDF Creator

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  • 3 Responses
  • visual_infection

    Does any one know if this is feasable? I am probably going to have to do this in .NET. Is it as simple as storing the pages in a database and then calling and packaging them that way?

    I would like to create a PDF document that is tailored to a particular user's interests. So, if the user chooses to learn about product x, and product y, and service b then they get a packet to download and print that only has those pages combined with some introductory pages about our company etc.

    I would like to do this as most of our users aren't the ones making the final decision about our products and services, they need to present this stuff to their bosses.

    I have seen that it's possible to take html and create pdfs from them on the back-end, but I was hoping to prepare the pdf pages individually and then have them combined and prepared on our server before the user downloads them.

  • BattleAxe0

    I have done this for several web apps ,

    unless they have a limited amount of choices I would not recommend pre-creating them in advanced , think about management of those files should product specs change

    maybe have a form where they can choose there products (radio buttons) then send all the selected options to a print this styled page , where you post or get all the variables that were selected and run a PDF creations process on that page

    sorry can't help with a .net approach but
    here is a php option

  • BattleAxe0

    on the other hand if you already have the spec sheets and were just looking to convert them to PDF

    get a PDf converter and you can batch process multiple documents by going into the folder with said files do a right click convert to PDF using your converter

    if you have Acrobat pro you already have a converter plugin for multiple desktop apps, like word, excel, etc

  • visual_infection0

    Your first answer was what I was looking for. I am trying to make our marketing materials more modular, because my company has the capability to do so many projects that I don't want people to get confused.

    It would work well too, because then when we go to meetings we can either print or package what we want for a leave behind.