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- 15 Responses
- decisionman
I'm on Cipralex, Clonzepam and Seroquel. Anyone else out there?
Just curious.
- ********0
try a different remedy.
You sound like a cash cow for pharmaceutical companies.
- manonthestreet0
I am f-d up mentally but refuse to go for meds.
- decisionman0
Manonthestreet – why? Principle?
- quamb0
Paracetamol and Asprin. Normally on Sunday mornings.
- lowimpakt0
would it be better to talk about the condition rather than the meds?
hope they are helping you out anyway.
i'm a traditionalist. i.e. whiskey, beer, sex and good friends
- scarabin0
- < (well, not recently)ismith
- btw how hard is molly to come by for you? I don't think I've ever had pure m and all the other stuff is well, tiringismith
- the guy one of my friends is dating sells molly powder sometimes, and i have some other leadsscarabin
- acid is harder to find than mollyscarabin
- well god to know... acid's been fairly easy to get around here for a couple months. molly not so muchismith
- *goodismith
- how very convenient for both of us... check your emailscarabin
- jruggs0
- version30
- ********0
Go and see a nutritionist.
Each of our bodies are a bit like factories that convert what we eat into the various chemicals we require. Usually, when you're prescribed something, it's because your body / brain's chemistry is out of whack.
Rather than depend on pharmaceuticals, I think it's more sensible to sort out your diet first. A nutritionist gets a hell of a lot of training and will know what you need to take to allow your body to do the job it's supposed to do.
Sounds like hippy bullshit - but I think it makes more sense than the alternatives.
- bigtrickagain0
- what a worthless post this isbigtrickagain
- (my post, not the whole thread)bigtrickagain
- not reallyversion3
- we have a thread just for useful stuff, this isn't it so no worriesscarabin
i am with manonthestreet
i rather feel something than nothing at all
- ********0
- cannonball19780
Remember: Doctors create the market.
- ismith0
I have an incredibly dull sense of smell, taste, and touch. My hearing and eyesight are fantastic, but it always disappoints others when I can't taste something they've cooked or can't smell their perfume. It's helpful in some situations but really depressing in others. Indica strains just dull them even more, but most sativas I've had do wonders for these senses– at least making me feel some sense of normalcy/being on par with the rest of ya and occasionally doing a little more.
- version30
yeah well,
i hurt myself today