Software debacle
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I have since found out that my employer has zero licences for any of the software that I use on a daily basis.
I told both of my bosses that any professional design studio should have full licences for all the software that they use. They skirted around the problem and refuse to budge.
Do I write a formal letter, expressing my concern? Do I leave?
- Horp0
I don't think you'd be liable if they got busted, only him, so I'd just keep schtum... if they got done it could cripple them financially and you'd be out of a job!
- airey0
yeah, fuckit. it aint your problem. unless you're catholic and the crushing guilt wears you down.
- no offense but if he was catholic, a pirate copy of photoshop should be the least of his problemsMeeklo
- as my Catholic aunt would say "Judas Judas picate la cola, y dale licencias"BattleAxe
- = Judas Judas pick your ass and bring him a license , I luv CatholicsBattleAxe
- Wouldn't that mean "pick your ass and excuse him"?Gucci
- MSL0
It pisses me off as we get through a lot of work, and all of it has been created on illegal software. It doesn't sit too well with me.
- airey0
what the fuck? seriously dude. welcome to the planet earth.
- imadesigner0
Get off your high horse.
- Jordy0
you'd be surprised how many small design studios don't have licenses..
- shitehawke0
So you say, 'I think we should start buying this software incrementally' and leave it up to them to sort it out cos as other people say, if you tells on yer boss you're opening up a clusterfuck of problems.
- Meeklo0
I dont know..
Right now, with the economy seems like great time to quit, I'm sure they won't find anyone else that same afternoon ready to do your job better than you and in 3 more languages.:)
- MrOneHundred0
What's a software license?
- imadesigner0
About 10 years ago a very well known worldwide agency had to pay a shit load of money to Microsoft after an audit at the London agency revealed the IT person was using the allocated licensing money to fund his personal drug habit. He had installed a cracked version of Microsoft Office on over 800 machines.
- he was using cracked software in order to pay crack, what a crack!Meeklo
- ********0
Graduates get funnier every year.
- hans_glib0
I think the anti-piracy peepz will give you £2500 for ratting them out...
- Horp0
When I was at college I worked for a little studio in a building full of little studios that were pretty much all people who had graduated at various points from the same art college.
There was an inverse heirarchy in the building. The newest people, the most recently graduated, were the ones with the strongest connections to the college, and so the ones who were more able to obtain copies of all the college's software.
The entire building was churning out design work using the same copies of Quark Xpress, Freehand and Photoshop that had been purchased by the college for the college Mac room.
This was pre-internet registration so there was no way anyone could know. Frankly I was pissed off when I finally realised I was going to have to fork out for legitimate copies. That was last year, around October time.
- Meeklo0
I remember on my first job, I was working at a pretty decent intractive agency, and when IRS came to the office, they made us all go hang out in the terrace of the buildings, leaving 12 brand new computers on in the design room.
- GeorgesII0
please leave,