as2 help

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  • 5 Responses
  • moogchild0

    I got it, there was a "autoClick" buried in there. Thanks for having a look though and if you're ever in the EV,NYC give me a holla and we'll go grab a bottle of suds. ;)

  • fyoucher10

    line 99 in autoClick() function, last line of code in function.
    _global.soundAction = "play";

    Change it to "pause".

  • acescence0

    doesn't look like it's in there. there's something elsewhere calling the functions to load the xml, build the song nav, and play

  • moogchild0
  • GeorgesII0

    paste your code here,

  • moogchild

    so I have this mp3 player and everything is working ace except that I want to disable the auto play function on it. I've combed over it and can't figure it out. any help will be greatly appreciated!
    function below.

    _global.playerRoot = this;
    soundObjNum = 0;

    function soundNav (success) {
    trace (soundXML);
    rootNode = soundXML.firstChild;
    if (success) {
    for (i=0; i<rootNode.childNodes.length; i++) { // node = rootNode.childNodes[i]; soundURL = node.attributes.soundURL; trace (i + " - " + soundURL); } } else { //bad trace ("xml load failure"); } } // function createSongNav () { rootNode = soundXML.firstChild; initY = 361; for (i=0; i<rootNode.childNodes.length; i++) { // node = rootNode.childNodes[i]; //trace (i + " - " + soundURL); item = this.attachMovie ("soundClip", "soundItem" + i, i); item.soundURL = node.attributes.soundURL; item.artistName = node.attributes.artistName; item.albumName = node.attributes.albumName; item.songName = node.attributes.songName; item.soundTitle = item.songName; = i; // item._x = 485; item._y = initY + (i * item._height + 3); // = this.mouseClick; = this; } _global.playerRoot.currentSong = this["soundItem" + 0]; } // function mouseClick () { autoClick (); trace (_global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)]); _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)].loadSound (this._parent.soundURL, true); _global.playerRoot.soundHost.don... = false; _global.playerRoot.displaySongDa... (this._parent); = 0; _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = 0; _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = false; _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = 0; _global.playerRoot.currentSong = this._parent; _global.soundAction = "play"; } // // function autoClick () { trace ("auto click"); trace (_global.playerRoot.currentSong... if (_global.playerRoot["soundObj" + _global.playerRoot.soundObjNum] == undefined) { if (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum != 0) { _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)] = undefined; } _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + _global.playerRoot.soundObjNum] = new Sound(); _global.playerRoot.soundObjNum += 1; } _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)].onLoad = function (success) { if (success == true) { trace ("ok!"); } else { trace ("load failure"); } } songNum = rootNode.childNodes.length - 1; if (_global.playerRoot.currentSong... >= songNum) {
    _global.playerRoot.currentSong = _global.playerRoot["soundItem" + 0];
    _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)].loadSound (_global.playerRoot.currentSong... true);
    } else {
    _global.playerRoot.currentSong = _global.playerRoot["soundItem" + (_global.playerRoot.currentSong... + 1)];
    _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)].loadSound (_global.playerRoot.currentSong... true);
    trace ("loading: " + _global.playerRoot.currentSong.s...
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.don... = false;
    _global.playerRoot.displaySongDa... (_global.playerRoot.currentSong... = 0;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = 0;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = false;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = 0;
    _global.soundAction = "play";
    function displaySongData (item) {
    trace (item); = "FEATURING: " + item.artistName;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.alb... = "" + item.albumName;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = "SONG: " + item.songName;
    function preload (theSound) {
    total_bytes = theSound.getBytesTotal();
    bytes = theSound.getBytesLoaded();
    percentRatio = bytes/total_bytes;
    percentage = Math.round((percentRatio) * 100);
    if (bytes == total_bytes) {
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.per... = percentage; = percentRatio *
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.don... = true;
    } else {
    if (total_bytes > 0) {
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.per... = percentage; = percentRatio *
    } else {
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.per... = 0;
    function checkDuration () {
    soundObject = _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)];
    if (_global.soundAction == "play") {
    if ( == false) {
    soundDuration = soundObject.duration;
    soundPos = soundObject.position;
    soundPercent = soundPos/soundDuration;
    seconds = Math.round(soundPos/1000);
    minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
    displaySeconds = Math.round(seconds - (minutes * (seconds/60)));
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.sou... = minutes + " : " + displaySeconds;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = soundPercent *
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = soundPercent *
    if (soundPos > 5 && soundDuration == soundPos) {
    } else {
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla...
    } else if (_global.soundAction == "pause") {
    } else {

    function movedPlayhead() {
    soundObject = _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)];
    playHeadPos = _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla...
    soundDuration = soundObject.duration;
    //soundPos = soundObj.position;
    secOffset = (soundDuration * playHeadPos)/1000;
    soundObject.start(secOffset, 1);
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = false;

    function pausePlayStop(action, clip) {
    soundObject = _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)];
    if (action == "play") {
    soundObject.start(_global.paused... 1);
    _global.soundAction = "play";
    } else if (action == "pause") {// pause functions
    // first get current sound position in seconds
    soundPos = soundObject.position;
    seconds = Math.round(soundPos/1000);
    // then stop sound
    _global.pausedPos = seconds;
    _global.soundAction = "pause";
    } else {
    _global.pausedPos = 0;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = 0;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = 0;
    _global.pausedPos = 0;
    _global.soundAction = "stop";
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.sou... = "0 : 0";
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = 0;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = 0;

    function fastForward () {
    ffSpeed = 3;//in seconds
    soundObject = _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)];
    soundDuration = soundObject.duration;
    soundPos = soundObject.position;
    ffPos = (soundPos/1000) + ffSpeed;
    trace ("soundPercent: " + soundPercent);
    if (_global.soundAction == "pause") {
    soundPercent = ((_global.pausedPos + ffSpeed) * 1000)/soundDuration;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = soundPercent *
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla...
    _global.pausedPos = _global.pausedPos + ffSpeed;
    } else if (_global.soundAction == "stop") {
    soundPercent = ((_global.pausedPos + ffSpeed) * 1000)/soundDuration;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = soundPercent *
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla...
    _global.pausedPos = _global.pausedPos + ffSpeed;
    } else {
    soundObject.start(ffPos, 1);
    function rewindSound () {
    revSpeed = 3;//in seconds
    soundObject = _global.playerRoot["soundObj" + (_global.playerRoot.soundObjNum - 1)];
    soundDuration = soundObject.duration;
    soundPos = soundObject.position;
    revPos = (soundPos/1000) - revSpeed;
    //trace ("revPos: " + revPos);
    if (_global.soundAction == "pause") {
    soundPercent = ((_global.pausedPos - revSpeed) * 1000)/soundDuration;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = soundPercent *
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla...
    _global.pausedPos = _global.pausedPos - revSpeed;
    } else if (_global.soundAction == "stop") {
    soundPercent = ((_global.pausedPos + ffSpeed) * 1000)/soundDuration;
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla... = soundPercent *
    _global.playerRoot.soundHost.son... = _global.playerRoot.soundHost.pla...
    _global.pausedPos = _global.pausedPos + ffSpeed;
    } else {
    soundObject.start(revPos, 1);