cre loaded & worldpay

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  • wwfc

    ...anyone have any experience of setting up a store with cre loaded using worldpay for processing the transactions?

    i am trying to get this working - in test mode - the process goes from the test site to worldpay test payment area, i use the test card no - and payment is accepted - but then the url it goes to is for the existing store (not the one i have defined in the worldpay test config) and there is no record of the order in the test stores admin panel????

    is that simply because of it being in test mode? or is it a problem with the store?

    anyone done this before?

    can't work it out on me jack :-(

  • Shaney0

    not used cre but had a similar prob with Cubecart, ended up putting a test product on the live site and tested it 'as live' . was fine.

    Is there a different link in the WorldPay module on the cre backend maybe?

  • wwfc0

    hi shaney - thanks for the reply - i have checked the cre backend - there is no link (as such) but there is passwords for the worldpay module - but no - no links.

    that makes me feel better - that i a live situation it works - but bit too much of a gamble for the client methinks!

    but at least it is maybe worth a try.

  • Shaney0

    i know nothing about cre but guessing works same way with payment modules. I just put a small image with product at a £0.01 so could test but had to use a real card etc.

    not ideal i know

    • but worth a shot! ;-)wwfc
    • password must access account that auto links back to live site I guessShaney
    • ...agreed!wwfc