nyc robbers blasted with shotgun
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- 32 Responses
- imnotadesigner
anybody witness this or hear anything... crazy…
- ********0
saw it last night.
- imnotadesigner0
ya? were you like wtf?!? or does that shit happen all the time in harlem?
- ********0
gun battles are common in NYC.
- Ramanisky20
thats like something out of the movies ...
The worker went back into the store and dragged Morgan's body onto the sidewalk, yelling at him and kicking him, witnesses said.
"He stood over the body cursing him and shaking him, even though he was dead," said Matthew Viane, 38, who lives in the neighborhood. "He was screaming at him and stomping him. "He [the employee] said, 'You were going to kill me? Now you're dead!'"
- Gucci0
Wow. What a story.... that shit's straight out of a bad movie.
- ********0
i was totallay like wtf?! omg, bernard goetz déjà vu!
- ideaist0
Vigilante Justice = 1, Common Thuggery = 0...
- mikotondria30
oh thats terribly awesome..
Especially the bit about the pistol-whipped employee standing and shouting and kicking at the dying robber...I would too.
- dbloc0
Augusto +1
- dbloc0
the right to bear arms comes in handy.
- Ramanisky20
yeah but what if these four guys were working for some crazy drug lord fuck ... who will now come after this guy ...
I would be a bit paranoid
- ********0
*bares toohless grin
- erikjonsson0
just like skatekid vs gangster!
- sikma0
"He's being treated as a witness and the victim of an attempted robbery," Browne said of Augusto. "He has not been arrested or charged."
good. I was worried that the police would go after him
- ok_not_ok0
The shooters store was hit before he was just prepared this time.
- Kiggen0
A Real Live Charles Bronson
- TheBlueOne0
'You were going to kill me? Now you're dead!'
- ismith0
Holy shit dude.
- felizfeliz0
those robbers needed to rob like a shot gun blast to the face.
this is what scares the shit out of me about america. in other countries the male competitiveness to reach the top isn't fought with killing machines such as guns, but with intellect and gentlemaness(at least in GREAT britain it is) yet america gives every fool a lethal effortless killing device and so the testerone fuelled fools race to reach the top disposing of life's left right and centre.
yo take the guns away and less people would be killed yo yanky fools.
- Yeah, America is the only place with trigger happy folk.harlequino
- << do you live on a remote Scottish Island feliz?Shaney
- "intellect and gentlemaness", dude, how old are you?Ruffian
- yea...just like like Italy!!!... ummMachuse
- harlequino0
I love that his name is Gus.