Trend: Is Glossy dead?
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- Gordy22
I'm designing an online application for a financial company.
My design is clean, crisp, with color to help users navigate and use the site. Perhaps a tad muted but its more about the experience than the glitz.
However, my boss is adamant he wants it more 'Web 2.0' complete with glassy, glossy buttons, reflections etc.
Can anyone think of any resource that shows that this is pretty much dead, and definitely not for business applications?
- fyoucher10
Why is it dead? Iphone's UI still uses the glossy look, guess it still ain't dead.
- brandelec0
Tell him he's so 2000 and late
- shitehawke0
Tell hime he has no idea what actually constitutes 'Web 2.0' and punch him in the cock.
- pressplay0
it‘s not dead, it just smells funny
Have you explained this to him already? Is he set on 2.0? If so, just do it very subtle and simple and move on...
It could be dated, but there are still a few sites out there that have this 2.0 style done tastefully. I just can't think of one right now, sorry...
- baseline_shift0
Show him 10 really poorly designed sites that lean on bubbly gradients as a crutch. shouldnt be tough.
- nooo never show crap to a client!!! this exactly what he will ask for!dyspl
- to show to his bossbaseline_shift
- mmmh boss/client.. they go in the same bag.dyspl
- MondoMorphic0
Glossy is a little like rape. Sometimes you have to just sit back and go with it. :)
- baseline_shift0
or, as OSFA said, keep it subtle.
i like this example
- Gordy220
- No.
Do not use these - tell him they look like a Facebook game.mikotondria3 - NOOO he'll like facebook games********
- hahaha!OSFA
- No.
- ********0
Hey Gordy where do you work?
- Leigh0
There's always a time and a place for glossy.
- mikotondria30
Yeh, keep it subtle and it doesn't really matter what trend or style you implement, taste is the only measure of worth in any case.
If your boss doesn't recognise a mature, tasteful, well designed layout, then just pretend you don't really know how to 'do' a '2.0' look and get them to get someone else to decorate it.- Ha, yeah, I agree. But, you know, its the principle of the thing
- Ha, yeah, I agree. But, you know, its the principle of the thing
- kelpie0
depends what you mean by glossy - if you're designing a UI for an application you'll want to keep in mind that people will feel more comfortable with it if it has at least a subtle flavour of 'real world' form about it, ie. buttons which look like buttons you can press, divisions which look raised to an extent, OS style features. Its not really a style issue so much as just designing in a language which people can relate to with comport in a usage context.
- ninjasavant0
60s, 80s, 00s - Glossy In
70s, 90s, 10s - Glossy Out
- kelpie0
to be fair, I like a bit o' UI design, but an old tech client of mine insisted that I design a set of 'glassy' icons for their site and product once and in the end they had to buy template icons cos I simply could not do it, no matter how hard I tried. They always looked shite and I died a little more inside with every iteration
- boobs0
Tell him tweed is the new glossy. He'll meet you half-way at argyle!
LOL = new thing to show I'm being sardonic!
- flashbender0
show him mint?
- Jordy0
over better even ...