Being made redundant :(
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- 15 Responses
- Kiko
Mass redundancies here in the office, they have told us that we might be made redundant in 2 weeks. Now we just have to wait and see who up for it. But Im one of 3 and the other 2 have been here for 5 and 8 years while I, only 14 months :(
- airey0
what do you do, where are you and is you're sister suffering a low self opinion at the moment? (sorry to hear it my friend but maybe we can help out here!)
- ********0
Sorry to hear that Kiko. Might be good to know where you work, maybe you could drop a little hint or something. Is it an onliney sort of agency, or a brandingy sort of place... maybe a trad graphicy sort of place... big or small? well know? international? national? regional?
but anyway... chin up. It'll all come good in the end.
- it's a large Digital Agency, in the top 15 in UK, 300 employees.Kiko
- tmw?jabblon
- Ooops.********
- qbn profile > portfolio > resume > current employment
every time******** - Have you checked the business development director on their website? No wonder they're fucked.********
- Bizz dev director looks like a shit, older version of Guy Ritchiebabaganush
- Kiko0
I'm A senior Digital AD in London. This recession sucks huh. Its quite exciting in a way and it will force change but.....
Should be fun in retrospect I imagine.
- ********0
It seems that all that stuff about recovery was a bit premature. As far as I can tell, we're still on a downward slope.
- yeah Publicis, to name a few have made massive reductions.Kiko
- yeah, recovery is hilarious. we haven't reached bottom quite yet.airey
- folded didnt they?gentleman
- not sure but I know it went bad.Kiko
- ********0
Just out of interest, does anyone know the current status of 35 Communications? They announced they were merging with Conran Design in September 2008 and their website has not been updated with any news since then.
If a communications agency doesn't post any news for 10 months, it must surely be a bad omen.
- This thread is now rebranded as "Creative Death Watch"********
- Post your cadavers in here, lets get a body count.********
- haha,Kiko
- you have an unhealthy interest in reading your old cums obituaries Orbitkelpie
- CHUMS is said CHUMS! honest!kelpie
- Hmmm, Interesting. Mr Freud, do you have any comments at this point?********
- This thread is now rebranded as "Creative Death Watch"
- dajaniel0
Kiko, have you got any post redundancy plans if the worst happens?
Interested to know what people's redundancy contingency plans are. If I ran out of work (maybe any moment now!) I'd probably just buy a one-way ticket to Thailand...
- dajaniel0
By the way, the guy sweeting the floor on tmw's website looks a bit prophetic?
- jimzyk0
its scary shit
we just lost a big client today.
one that we thought was a banker - up and coming - big name behind it, doing really well! oh the bills, feed the kids, pay the prossies...
how can i do it all?- You thought he was a banker? Did you deposit and moneys?********
- You thought he was a banker? Did you deposit and moneys?
- isakosmo0
go on a massive bender then f off travelling in asia, australia, south america... been saving for a few years though, 'just in case' etc
- ********0
find a bunker and hide, everybody!
- Scotch_Roman0
Aren't we being just a tad bit sensationalistic here? I'm hearing more doom / gloom from western Europe these days than anywhere else. Is it worse there than in the States or Asia?
Sorry about the job Kiko.
- cheers :) Yeah I have seen it creeping over industries here, wonder how far it will go.Kiko
- Benja820
i got made redundant in march and set up freelance, its the best decision ive ever made
- ********0
Hey I like the word 'sensationalistic' .
Its like turning 'sensational' up a notch on the dramatic scale.