urgent crit needed
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- 48 Responses
- e-wo0
Too close to YouTube, unfortunately
- version30
logo: maybe, but prob not
sport: fuck no
post: yeah sure, compared to sport
- ideaist0
What is happening with the "rt"??? resolve either the logo or the wordmark... don't use both...
- Point50
A better font choice and work with proper kerning would help tremendously. not sure what the r and the t are doing. And what is the significance of the single quote? did you do both the icon and the type?... because these two elements don't go together at all.
- yeah I agree. I did both and I need more time on it, Im rushing and panicking now.Kiko
- WeLoveNoise0
alot of kerning issues
wrong type choice
and the mark is sooooooooo web2.0bet the client loves it tho
- yes the client wants the mark and the 2.0 look, Im working on new type will uplaod soon
Kiko - if ur gona use that mark then maybe make the type the same font but jst diff weightsWeLoveNoise
- like helv bold / lightWeLoveNoise
- yes the client wants the mark and the 2.0 look, Im working on new type will uplaod soon
- baseline_shift0
start again. type needs a lot of work.
and yeah, youtube.
- TheBlueOne0
Once more, from the top.
- dirtydesign0
push off tomorrows meeting for another day and start over
- yeah thats what I have to do, Ill show them this and say Im not happy with it.Kiko
- sandrinho0
nothing related with sport. bad choice and pairing of typefaces
- _niko0
should have been trashtalk⢠or something
- _niko0
why not a circle or sphere as opposed to a rounded square, it's a universal object used in sports
- Kiko0
- version30
Is that Impact?
- haha, that doesnt look at al like impact it's Haettenschweiler
Kiko - At a quick glance to the untrained eye it looks like Impact.5timuli
- my point being it's kinda plain, and it looks like a headlineversion3
- thats BAAAAAAD newsKiko
- 5tim said i was untrained when i meant it as a jab :(version3
- thats even worst newsKiko
- 'tisversion3
- Sorry v3, I didn't mean you... and I thought it was Impact too for a while. I just didn't choose my words very carefully.5timuli
- I should have said "without spending time examining the typeface, most people would assume it was Impact".5timuli
- haha, that doesnt look at al like impact it's Haettenschweiler
- Kiko0